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發表於 2017-10-18 13:28:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With Mashramani 2009 only days away and with Guyana preparing for the much anticipated annual festival of jubilation and celebration, there is a lot not right.The Children’s Competition was off to a brilliant start last week, and concluded on Friday with a colourful explosion in the Costume category at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall.The National segment, at which schools in every region will battle for supremacy, has been set to begin on February 18 at the National Cultural Centre. However, the Mash Day Parade seems to be the only blemish. It will be lacking the participation of some of the larger entities, which over the years have added much glitz and glamour to this event.Commenting on this issue, Head of the Mash Secretariat, Lennox Canterbury, said that the fact that several large entities have pulled out of the February 23 parade will in no way affect the customary festivities.He noted that the public will, of course, be expecting the participation of the large companies, but the public will have to accept the fact that there will be several ‘no shows’ this year around.Canterbury said that, despite the absence of the large bands,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, there will be a spectacular lineup of entities involved,cheap nfl jerseys, and these will compensate for the missing entities this year. He guaranteed that, come Mash Day, Guyana can expect a colourful and artistic float and costume display.The Slingshot Mash Band was launched yesterday at the Pegasus Hotel, and the Fact and Roses Camp is gearing for a Mash Band launch that will feature four large contingents.The Mash Illuminated Buildings Competition is up and going. Many entities in the city and outlying areas are responding positively,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, according to Canterbury.Kaieteur News has been informed that a sizeable number of entries have been received in this category by the Mash Secretariat, which leads one to believe that, this year, there will be intense competition in this field.Added to that, Canterbury indicated that each region is engaged in separate ‘Clean up Campaigns’ to determine which region will emerge ‘champion cleaners’ as the Mash Secretariat attempts to beautify Guyana in readiness for Mashramani 2009.According to Canterbury, several regions are already engrossed in preparations for their competitions, for which they will be awarded at the annual Mash Presentations Ceremony billed for later this year.What has been noticed is that some of the large companies who will not be featured at the actual Mash Day activities have,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, however, contributed to Mash 2009 in one way or another. GT&T,Cheap NFL Jerseys, for instance,NFL Jerseys China, is co-sponsoring the massive Hits and Jams ‘T.Pain and Serani’ show slated for February 23 at the GCC Ground, Bourda.Digicel, on the other hand, has contributed some $1.5M so far towards the Mash Calypso Competition.

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