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[本地音樂] Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys 36









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發表於 2017-10-18 15:40:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…as two committed to stand trial in High Court Pandemonium broke out in the courtroom of Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, yesterday, as she committed two of the four men accused in the execution style killing of 72-year-old Robb Street resident, Clementine Fiedtkou-Parris to stand trial in the High Court.Orin Hinds, 37, of Burnham Boulevard, Mocha, East Bank Demerara; Cleon Hinds,Wholesale Jerseys From China, 36, of 23 Middle Road, Albouystown; Kevin October, 31, of Second Street, Agricola, East Bank Demerara; and Roy Jacobs, 36, of Evans Street, Charlestown, Georgetown; are charged with killing Fiedtkou-Parris.The state claimed that on June 30, 2011 at Robb Street, Georgetown they murdered Fiedtkou-Parris. The prosecution team led by Sergeant Neville Jeffers provided 30 witnesses in the matter thus far.Four accused of Robb Street granny executionReports are that Parris was shot several times by two men who entered her home pretending to want an audience with the woman. The woman’s brother had reportedly witnessed the entire ordeal and had related his knowledge of the events.Parris was reportedly shot twice under the armpit,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, once in the chest and once in the back. The assailants then escaped in a waiting motorcar. The woman’s family had previously told Kaieteur News that she was involved in a bitter land dispute that is before the courts. Reports were that the accused were reportedly paid $400,000 to execute Parris.Yesterday,Nike Roshe Run Women, during the hearing Magistrate McLennan deemed that a prima facie case of murder was established against Kevin October and Cleon Hinds.While a voir dire was previously conducted to determine whether the confession statements of three of the accused were admissible, Magistrate McLennan yesterday indicated that she has deemed the statements of Kevin October, Cleon Hinds and Roy Jacobs were free and voluntary given and was therefore admitted into evidence.The Voir Dire for Orin Hinds continued yesterday and the Magistrate indicated to his Defence Attorney that on Tuesday, January 21, she will hand down her decision. She said too that she will address the case of Roy Jacobs who is being represented by Attorney at Law,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Mark Thompson on that date.In the presence of their lawyers, Kevin October and Cleon Hinds were told of their three options and they both opted to give an unsworn statement. They both said, “I am innocent of this charge,” and through their lawyers Hukumchand Parag, and Basil Williams, informed the court that they will reserve their witnesses for the High Court.The Magistrate informed them both that the court believes that sufficient evidence had been made out against them to stand trial at the Demerara Assizes.”October however,Cheap Jerseys China, at that point appeared to be displeased and turned to the Magistrate and asked her “How can an oral statement by a dead man hold me? Bare s**t man. Bare s**t yal doing.”His accomplice Roy Jacobs at this point chimed in and they proceeded to create a ruckus in the courtroom, shouting at the Magistrate and the Prosecution. The Magistrate at that point urged the officers to quickly remove them from the courtroom.They then threatened the Magistrate and the Prosecution. “We gun find y’all when we come out. We got family that can f**k yal up.”While being escorted out of the courtroom heavily guarded by ranks they accused the Magistrate of being prejudiced. They even attempted to attack a reporter who was taking their picture as they were being taken to the Court’s lock-ups.

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