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Cheap NFL jerseys China Deputron said









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發表於 2017-10-18 17:23:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An Alexander Village, Georgetown family feels as though they are being targeted by police,NFL Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, after ranks swooped down on their home last Tuesday morning and conducted a raid.The raid resulted in the arrest of five men- one aged 21, two aged 24 and two others aged 28, who police say are suspects in various offences.Last night, a police source said that the men were released from custody last Thursday.A relative said that they were each released on $5,000 bail.“We feel victimized. Police trying to stain these boys…they always acting on information and running in we house”, the relative related.“I wondering is who knocking down the door so early? I thought was thief,” Sharon Deputron, the mother and aunt of the men recalled.The woman feels as though her family is being targeted by police, since this is the third raid conducted on her home within a year. She says that the police used excessive force and terrified her family.Deputron said that the lawmen were unprofessional while conducting their duties since they failed to present a search warrant.  She said that the men,NFL Jerseys From China, who were in plain clothes, identified themselves as policemen, but failed to show an identification card.She said that the vehicle the police came with was unmarked and was heavily tinted.She also said that when she inquired about the reason for their visit, she was told that it was suspected that illegal firearms and ammunition and narcotics were hidden at the premises.“They push me aside and come in the house. They aint even show we no form of identity. They just say them is police. They searched the bedrooms and all over but they aint find nothing”, Deputron said.It was then she said,Cheap Authentic NFL Jersey, that the ranks who were inside her home,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, ordered all the male occupants to get dressed in order to be escorted to the police station.Sections of the ransacked homeDeputron stated that her sons and nephews have no criminal records nor were they ever wanted by the police.  However, she disclosed that her 28-year-old son was arrested by police last year October for illegal firearm and ammunition possession. She said that he was subsequently released. Deputron stated that police ranks have told her that the men were arrested for various offences including a murder that occurred in Albouystown.The mother said, “When they (police) arrest the guys they said they were taking them to the Brickdam Police Station. On my way to that station I got a call from my son. He said that he and the other men were at the Golden Grove lock-up.”She added that she and another relative visited the Golden Grove lock-ups,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, East Bank Demerara. On arrival there, Deputron said,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, she inquired from the Station Sergeant about the men that were taken from the Alexander Village home.“The Sergeant pointed to a police van and told us to ask the police officers who were seated in the van. Them (the police in the van) gave we a whole set of attitude… they eventually told us to contact the Ruimveldt Police Station and ask for the Station Sergeant.”A male relative of the men stated that when he called the station phone around 06:00hrs and asked for the Sergeant, he was told that the rank was scheduled for duty from 09:00hrs.“So I asked the officer who answered the phone for his name and he declined to give me. He was very rude,” the relative related.The relative said that he and Deputron visited the Brickdam Police Station later the said morning and spoke with a senior police official, who told them that police received information that the suspects in the murder frequently visited her home.

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