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發表於 2017-10-18 17:54:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has requested some clarifications from the Police regarding the file on the matter involving the shooting of Police Corporal Mark George by Magistrate Gordon Gilhuys.The DPP’s advice is being sought on the matter before the Police could proceed with charges against the magistrate; but according to Acting Commissioner Henry Greene, the DPP, Shalimar Ali-Hack,cheap jerseys cc, has asked that some issues in the investigations be clarified.“The DPP has asked us to clear up some issues,Jerseys From China, and that is what we are working on at this time,” Greene said.He declined to say what sort of clarification is being sought by the DPP.Two Thursdays ago, Magistrate Gilhuys opened fire on the policeman who was part of a patrol that had stopped to investigate a parked, tinted vehicle on Woolford Avenue.George was reportedly shot in the right side of his back, the bullet exiting the abdomen.A relative of the injured cop told this newspaper that he is now seemingly out of danger,Womens Nike Free Run, having been transferred from the intensive care unit to the high-dependency unit last Friday.The relative said that he has improved significantly and is now very alert. However,Wholesale China Jerseys, he has not spoken much about the incident.Kaieteur News understands that one of the stumbling blocks has been the absence of a statement from the injured rank.But now that he is responding,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, this should be overcome.When asked why advice was being sought on all the possible charges facing the magistrate, Acting Commissioner Greene said that the Police felt it would be wise to have an independent office look at the matter.“We would prefer, in matters like these when Police are involved,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, that the DPP, albeit… an independent analysis is done and pronounce on it,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,” the Acting Commissioner stated.He assured that work on the matter is being done at a speedy pace to ensure that justice is served.Magistrate Gilhuys has lodged all of his weapons with the Police, including the one reportedly used in the shooting.Police had stated that the weapon used by the magistrate in the incident was one that was loaned to him while he was a member of the Force.The magistrate has not sat on the bench since the shooting, and it is expected that he will be suspended should charges be laid against him.Already, several matters that were before him were called up by Principal Magistrate Mellissa Robertson-Ogle, and new dates set.A source in the magistracy had told this newspaper that the cases will only be assigned to another magistrate whenever there is instruction in black and white that the magistrate has been suspended from duty pending the outcome of the shooting matter.

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