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Wholesale Jerseys USA the prosecutor objected to bail









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發表於 2017-10-18 19:24:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…stolen G3 recovered from trenchJust a week after the brazen multi-million-dollar robbery outside the Bourda Post Office,Cheap Nike Air Max 1, a father of one was brought before the court yesterday to answer a series of charges relating to the robbery.Stravo Evans, 31,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who gave his address as Lot 169 Middle Road,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, La Penitence, Georgetown, was not required to plead to the charges after they were read to him by Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.The first charge alleged that on April 1, at Regent Street, Evans and others,NFL Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, while armed with a gun, robbed Andre July of one G3 rifle and 20 rounds of 7.62 ammunition, property of the Guyana Police Force.Late yesterday, the police stated that the G3 rifle and 20 rounds that were taken away from a police rank during the robbery were recovered by police ranks in a trench in the East La Penitence area,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, Georgetown.Particulars of the second charge stated that on April 1, at Regent Street, he robbed Andre July of $42,522,000, property of the Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC).It was further alleged that on the same day at the said location, he robbed July of one cell phone valued $10,000.Evans was also accused of robbing Darwin Hinds of one Pit Bull minibus valued $3.5M, while he was in the company of others and armed with a gun. The minibus is the property of the GPOC.The defendant was charged with wrongfully restraining and abducting Andre July and Darwin Hinds on April 1, at Regent Street.According to police prosecutor Corporal Simone Payne, the defendant and five other men stormed the minibus which had brought cash to the Bourda Post Office.One of the men placed a gun to the driver’s head while another confronted the police guard and relieved him of his weapon.One of the bandits pushed the driver from his seat in the bus and took possession of the vehicle, while his accomplice forced the policeman into the back of the bus and they drove off with the cash inside.Their four other partners followed behind in a white car.When the bus reached Cemetery Road, it stopped and the men in the white car pulled up alongside and cash was transferred from the bus.The bandits then abandoned the bus with the two victims.The matter was reported and based on diligent investigations; Evans was arrested and subsequently charged.Evans has retained Attorney Peter Hugh, who arrived too late to make a bail application on his behalf.Earlier, the prosecutor objected to bail,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, citing the prevalence and penalty that the offence attracts if the defendant is to be convicted. She also argued that an alleged firearm was used to execute the robbery.Bail was refused and the defendant was remanded to prison until April 13.

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