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發表於 2017-10-18 20:56:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Despite allegations of inequitable house lot allocation by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) over the past few years, the newly appointed Chairman of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) Board, and Mayor of Georgetown, Hamilton Green, has said that he is unaware of any evidence of these allegations.This was revealed at a recent press conference hosted by the CH&PA yesterday morning. Green was asked about the plans to better monitor the allocation process since Guyanese have often complained about the unfair distribution of land. Green therefore asked that the evidence be provided so that the matter is dealt with.What the CH&PA is aware of, Green said, is the pretentious way that people would have gone about applying for lands and houses,Wholesale China Jerseys,  and the failure to occupy lands over a period of time.“We are not in the business of promoting landlordism; there are instances when persons who have eight, nine children and have no place to go; the house is built, and then it is rented…We continue at the instance and the structure of the board of taking away land from people who, in fact, deceived us (CH&PA)” Green said.It was clear that “Change”, he said, was the watchword after the Board examined – over the past few weeks – the performance of the CH&PA.One of the challenges he outlined in the lack of skill in the infrastructural feature of the housing sector and due to this, the CH&PA will be engaging the assistance of “outside forces”, all in ensuring that their objective, which is to deliver not only lands and homes, but also to provide a safe environment for beneficiaries.“We are engaging the services of new entities that would be involved in this crusade in home construction. Those discussions are not complete. It would therefore be inappropriate to say more than the fact is.”Last year saw the work of authority being delivered on two sources of funding; through the National Budget and a foreign-funded programme which involved the IDB and the Government of Guyana.Some $499M, was approved for the completion of the CH&PA’s capital programme, and at the end of 2015, they had disbursed $260M under the Low Income Settlement (LIS) Programme.About 400 core houses were completed under this programme. The Core house initiative was geared at addressing persons who are “at the very base of the economic ladder”. This was touted as a “major” achievement since it was found those persons’ needs, were the greatest.Subsidies were also disbursed with respect to a hinterland housing project. This was due to the realisation that there was need to balance the intervention between the coast and the hinterland, the CH&PA said.Under that aspect of the programme, 208 subsidies were disbursed which saw several settlements in Regions one and nine benefitting.Green described this as “narrowing the gap between rural and urban development”.

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