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發表於 2017-10-18 21:10:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 19-year-old school dropout who beheaded his one-time good friend,Cheap MLB Jerseys, classmate, villager and workmate a little over two years ago following a dispute at a private cane farm on the Upper Corentyne, has pleaded guilty to manslaughter.Killed: Stephon BacchusRoyston Mc Allister, called ‘Slow Pork’ or ‘Junior’, 19, a cane harvester who was 17 at the time, of Kortberaad, East Bank Berbice who was charged with murdering Stephon Bacchus, 17, a harvester also of Kortberaad East Bank Berbice following a dispute on November 9, 2011 has pleaded guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter.  He appeared on Wednesday before Justice Dawn Gregory in the Berbice High Court.Mc Allister was accused of severing Bacchus’s head following a dispute on the private sugar plantation at Moleson-Jackson owned by Mr Rabindranauth Prasad, called Mary, of Crabwood Creek Corentyne.However, before the start of the day’s proceedings defence attorney Charrandass Persaud informed the court that his client wanted to take a certain course of action and change his plea from not guilty of murder to guilty of manslaughter.However,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, sentencing has been deferred to Wednesday December 4, when a probation report is expected to be presented.State prosecutor Renita Singh,Cheap Nike Air Max 1, in narrating the state’s case, stated that on the day in question the accused and the deceased were among a group of men working at the farm. They finished working around 12:00 hrs and went to their camp. At the camp a dispute developed after Mc Allister accused Bacchus of not assisting with dorm chores and cleaning.Bacchus then slapped McAllister and laughed at him, causing him to become angry. The accused then took a broom and swept the room, smoked a cigarette and subsequently both men went to bed. They slept in separate rooms.The next day while going for meals and were preparing to return to the fields they had another argument.Bacchus was lacing his boots when Mc Allister apparently came from behind and broadsided him. Bacchus slid down the steps and fell on the ground.   Mc Allister was standing on the landing with a cutlass in his hands and with what appears to be blood dripping from it. The teen then descended the steps causing those around to flee. He then left the scene.The police were informed and arrived on the scene. Upon leaving,NFL Jerseys For Sale, the police saw the accused walking on the access road with a cutlass in his hand. He was accosted by the cops and told to drop the cutlass to which he complied. He was arrested and taken to the station during which time he told the cops that “Me na go fo kill he.”The accused in a caution statement confessed to the crime.When ah chop he,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, he fall down right away,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, but he na seh nothing. I seh sorry and ah left to come to the station.  The police reach me at Jackson dam.”The post mortem examination conducted by Dr. Vivekanand Brijmohan gave the cause of death as shock and haemorrhage, fracture of the cervical spine,Cheap China Jerseys, with fracture of the spinal cord.

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