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發表於 2017-10-18 21:42:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The need for an investigation may not be necessary to determine how some items were stolen from the South Road Day Care Centre which comes under the purview of the Mayor and City Council of Georgetown.In fact just as the case of the guards that were on duty at the Ministry of Health when it was fire bombed, the guards on duty at the Day Care Centre hadn’t a clue that anything was even taken in the first place.Reports are that the guards learnt that the Centre was burgled after the thieves were caught and the items were returned. It has been seemingly deduced that they were sleeping at the time.According to the municipal Public Relations Officer,Cheap Jerseys China, Royston King, the sleeping guards are attached to a private security entity.The almost comical state-of-affairs was brought to the attention of full council when the municipality held its statutory meeting last Monday.City Mayor Hamilton Green was the one to observe the entry in the minutes and posted a question to Acting Town Clerk Yonette Pluck-Cort to garner a clarification.According to Pluck-Cort there was a report that was submitted by the investigative section of the Constabulary which detailed that items were stolen from the Day Care Centre despite the fact that there were guards on duty.The Acting Town Clerk revealed further that according to the report the perpetrators were caught somewhere in the Bourda area and the items retrieved.However,cheap jerseys paypal, it was Councillor Ranwell Jordan who highlighted that the guards were oblivious to the criminal up until they were returned.“The guards were sleeping so they were unaware that there was a loss at that location until someone returned them back to the location,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes,” Jordan passionately emphasised.And even as the meeting went on Councillor Prabholal Sattan could not resist the need to point to several acts of larceny that had occurred within the municipality’s mechanical workshop.Sattan, in his quest to find out what is being done to address the situation, said that one such act was carried out during a sit-in exercise.“What system is being put in place to stop these occurrences? If there was a sit-in during that time what are we to understand?” Sattan furiously questioned.The councillor pointed out further that his concerns lies primarily in the fact that the council is always in a cash-strapped position and yet is tasked with finding money to replace the stolen items. In his response to Sattan, the City Mayor disclosed that he was of the understanding that the most recent break-in occurred over a long week-end. According to him the act comes as part of the evil degradation that is taking place in the society. He noted that there is widespread corruption and efficiency.He said that in order to arrest such problems there is need to strengthen the Constabulary which has complained repeatedly of being understaffed.According to Mayor Green, the law enforcement segment at the moment does not have the capacity to extract information from people,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, thus presenting a situation which requires in depth discussion rather than finger pointing.The City Mayor has however on a few occasions indicated his concerns about officers within the Constabulary.At a previous statutory meeting he divulged that having recently seen a batch of persons recruited for the city policing unit he was not impressed. “I looked out of my window and I was not impressed at all at their physiology and attitude. And when I asked to see a list it was even more disturbing in terms of their ages.” He also made reference to what appears to be gender biasness in the recruitment process. The Mayor then questioned whether the city constabulary image has been tarnished to such an extent that suitable persons are unwilling to take up the available job opportunities.“We use to come after the Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force (in terms of employment) but now we are getting the lef,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, lef…The image of any military or paramilitary entity is vital.”And according to the Mayor,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, he is not aware that anything has been done to improve the image of the constabulary even as he pointed out that help could be forthcoming if it is sought after.He also alluded to the conduct of the ranks within the Constabulary’s employ, emphasising that the rate of absenteeism has become a pattern which suggest that there is an institutional problem that needs to be addressed.

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