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Wholesale China Jerseys The Registry









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發表於 2017-10-18 22:40:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…says JSC moving to appoint Registrar soon By Abena Rockcliffe Chancellor of the Judiciary, Justice Carl Singh, has denied that there is a crisis at the Supreme Court Registry.Kaieteur News had quoted Attorney General, Basil Williams, admitting that there is a crisis in the Registry. This crisis came from the fact that the Registry is operating without the constitutionally directed upper echelons.Chancellor of the Judiciary,Wholesale Stitched NFL Jerseys, Carl SinghFormer Registrar (Ag) for the Georgetown Supreme Court, Rashid Mohamed, has been in that position for the past three years; but his contract ended early October. Mohamed was basically managing the affairs of the Registry single-handedly. Therefore, there was no Assistant Registrar, Deputy Registrar or Registrar.The constitution mandates the appointment of a Deputy Registrar but the Judicial Service Commission did not see it important enough to make such an appointment.Defending this, Justice Singh told Kaieteur News,Cheap Jerseys Supply, “Before I became a judicial administrator there was not a Deputy Registrar. When I came to the practice of law in 1983 there was no Deputy Registrar. That office existed but the vacancy was overlooked; so it is not the doings of this Commission as is being stated in the press.”Justice Singh continued, “I want to take the opportunity to say that there is never any crisis in the Registry. True,Blank Chile Jersey, it is that for a few days the contract of the person who was performing the functions of registrar ended with the passage of time. But arrangements were made for senior officers to continue the operations of the Registry.”He emphasized that the Registry never had to close its doors as a result of the absence of the Registrar. “Operations never ceased. (The Registry) continues to function on a daily basis.”Justice Singh said that the Judicial Service Commission, which he chairs, is in the process of drawing up advertisements to invite applications to fill the Registrar position.Asked if the Commission will now consider appointing a Deputy Registrar, the Chancellor said, “It might just be the prudent thing to do.”When Kaieteur News discovered the headless operations of the Registry, information received indicated that the issue was one that has existed a while now but was covered by an unconstitutional appointment.Mohamed was appointed, by contract,Cheap Baseball Jerseys China, as an Acting Registrar while there is no such position. The Constitution says,Air Max 97, “There shall be a Registrar and Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court”. The Constitution does not provide for any such position as Acting Registrar.Apparently, the Attorney General did not know that such an important office was operating without two of its head personnel. He also did not know the expiration date of Mohamed’s contract.However,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, Williams found the fact that Mohamed had a contract “strange” since that position is not usually filled by a contract employee.He said, “I was appalled when I found out that there is no one to take over and that there was no succession plan.”Asked how he could not know, Williams said that such appointments do not form part of his responsibility as Minister of Legal Affairs nor as Attorney General, neither the day to day running of the Registry. “My role is in policy making and the smooth dispensation of justice.”Williams recommended that Assistant Registrar of Berbice be brought to Georgetown since she is the most qualified professional at the moment to take the reins “during this crisis”.

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