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發表於 2017-10-18 22:41:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Constabulary to investigateThe lax behaviour of some City Constables in preventing an early morning fracas yesterday was criticized by enraged citizens.According to an eyewitness, the fight started outside the Guyana Fire Service Headquarters, Stabroek, between two men. It ended several metres away at the City Constabulary station following appeals by onlookers.Based on reports, the altercation stemmed from a vagrant, Wesley Fernando, being bullied by one of his regular employers. Fernando is known for doing odd jobs in the area and selling items.The vagrant being pinned down by his accusedThe ordeal lasted for about nine minutes with Fernando being pinned to the ground most of the time sustaining blows about his body. His attacker,Andre Reed Bills Jersey, who is said to be a security guard, was armed with knife and threatened to stab him.The eyewitness related that the security guard grabbed Fernando by his trousers and led him to the City Constabulary station,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, in anticipation of seeking justice for the business deal he claimed went wrong.Apparently, the man had purchased some old wire mesh from Fernando for $1,000 and wanted to retrieve his money. However, he did not want to return the mesh,China Jerseys Cheap, according to eyewitnesses.Upon entering the station,Cheap Jerseys 2018, the man floored Fernando and asked that the Constables arrest him. However,Cheap Air Max 90 For Sale, the Constables chased the man out of the building without making any inquires. They ordered that the perpetrator take him (Fernando) out of the compound.The man then hauled Fernando out of the station, braced him to the City Constabulary’s fence and continued his assault. This sent the crowd wild. They shouted for the Constables to arrest the situation.Their cries that the assailant’s actions were unfair were finally heard. The Constables detained both men.According to Chief Constable (ag),Matt Ryan Falcons Jersey, Trevor Merriman, the Constabulary finds the ranks’ behaviour disgusting because they should have been prompt in responding to such situations.He added that the department will be carrying out investigations and appropriate actions will be taken.It should be noted that a Police Outpost is also a stone’s throw away from where the fracas occurred and their ranks did not respond.

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