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“I don’t look for fanfare, I want to please the Almighty God, and  serve the people. A good leader is the servant of the people.From a christian perspective I stand with the word of God to see  Region 10 united as one- in the body of Christ, that has always been our prayer.So says Pastor Renis Morian, who was on Tuesday last elected as  Chairman of Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice).Morian, no stranger to the RDC,Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, had served for ten years as a councillor, before becoming a Member of Parliament in 2011.Questioned whether it had ever been his ambition to be Regional Chairman, Morian said that any ambition that he would have nurtured over the years, was to serve in a capacity where he could help the indigenous peoples or other vulnerable groups- such as female security guards, the destitute and so many others including youths, who are often going to be bed without meals.“I don’t want to be in a job because it looks nice, I want to be able to bring resources to bear, that will bring changes in the lives of people. I know where I came from, it is other people’s resources that brought me here.”Morian revealed that he had been earmarked twice before, to become Regional chairman, but that both times he had declined.The first time, he said, was even before Mortimer Mingo became Chairman.“I declined, and suggested Mortimer Mingo instead to full the position, because at  the time, I felt he was more suited to serve in that capacity.Regional Chairman, Pastor Renis MorianYou see, in order to be Regional Chairman and be a successful one, you have got to know a lot of people, and Mortimer fits that profile perfectly- he  knew a lot of people, and of course he had certain skills that I knew would stand him in good stead, based on his experience with the military and so on. And he was willing to be guided and helped , so at the time, I felt he was more suited to that position. The key to leadership is humility, and he had that humility.”Morian said he only decided to change his mind the third time around, after careful and prayerful consideration, with both his immediate family as well as his church family. “We don’t see leadership as just by the way, the church recognizes that promotion, or elevation comes from God,”His commitment presently, he says, is to get guarantees for young people who are unemployed, and for persons in the security sector.  He added that he has more than fifteen proposals that he has prepared over the past ten years, but which were rejected by the former government. Those proposals are centred mostly on developmental projects, and disaster preparedness, to name a few.After accepting the challenge to provide stewardship to the Region for the next couple of years, Morian addressed councillors, and others who had gathered for the auspicious event briefly.He acknowledged that humility is his watchword, but nonetheless, declared zero tolerance on corruption.“There is the perception that all of us are corrupt, so we have to work to eradicate that perception- so one strike and you’re out!’ ‘He however promised that there will be no witch hunt.In his first address as Regional Chairman, Morian highlighted several issues that he intends to look at to bring development to the region, including addressing in particular, agriculture, and issues affecting women, youths and agriculture.He also spoke of contracts that are carried out on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway and other places in Region Ten where ‘’not a single person is from Region Ten”.“We are looking at the whole thing of contracts in Region Ten. I want to assure you that no one contractor will have seven contracts. The other assurance I want to give is that there are works in the region that women could do that normally would go to men. I want to give the women in this region the assurance that women will work and also young people- there are young people coming out of school like the Linden Technical Institute, the young people in the region who are qualified; again I want to give the assurance to young people that where contracts and works in this region are concerned, young people will have that opportunity.Morian promised to present a proposal to the Ministry of Communities that all the cleaning and other works to be carried out in the Region must be done by people from Region Ten. He called the approach that will be adopted,” integrated rural development” where all the sectors will have to play their part, and that each sector, such as health, agriculture, works, finance and education will have to have benchmarks that they will be working towards. Morian said that even though some persons say that the economy in Region Ten is ‘flat’, and others say that we are on ‘life support’, he is convinced that  by  working together, the difficulties could be overcome.The establishment of a Regional Youth Authority is also expected to be another priority, Morian said. The Youth Authority will see seven young people taking the lead in chartering youth programmes and policies across Region 10.Still focusing on Youths, Morian promised the establishment of a juvenile detention centre for youths who commit various misdemeanors.Emphasizing that juveniles should not be housed with adults in the lock ups, Morian noted that it is an issue that the council will pay much attention to.Women too, especially those that are subjected to abuse, would be given the opportunity to be housed away from their abusers, with the establishment of a home for such a purpose. There they would get counseling and the requisite help needed, Morian says.Morian posited that there will be a heavy focus on agricultural development as this is the area on which the future development of the region rests. The Region, and especially Linden, must start growing more to feed the community, he asserts.“As it is now, this Region imports close to 85 percent of what it consumes and we need to change that. If you give Region 10, $50 Million today, half of that will go back out to import food and agriculture products”, Morian said.Scrap metal is another area that could help to improve the Region’s economic standing, Morian believes that the proceeds can be used to establish a bitumen plant.The new Regional Chairman also spoke of disaster preparedness, noting that when there is a “simple” fire, the Region does not even have a mattress to give to victims.He also drew attention to a particular company that is allegedly dumping toxic waste in the river. ‘’We have to have a disaster prevention, preparedness and mitigation programme in place.”As such, Morian stated that his council intends to prepare a concept note for the Government, for the establishment of a disaster preparedness committee.As regards the forming of partnerships, Morian said that he has already spoken with Habitat For Humanity concerning the establishment of a youth programme in the region. “They want to put up a youth centre and it is a good programme for us to support. We will have inputs so our young people will be able to go there and do other things. It’s not just a youth centre,Cheap Jerseys Store, but a youth friendly space that you could go there and do other things outside of what habitat is doing.’’The Region will also be looking to form partnerships with USAID and several other developmental agencies. He noted that he had already worked with some of these groups and was able to access funding at the level of the church, in his capacity as a pastor.Morian said that he also intends to have talks with employees at the RDC  concerning basic issues such as salaries, amenities and conditions under which they work.“NICIL (National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited) will not control the lands in Region Ten, any longer,Jerseys From China Online,” Morian declared, and noted that there are over two thousand applications for land by residents of Region Ten.“We have eighty three thousand square miles, and approximately seven hundred and fifty thousand people. Each person could get an acre and you get another acre to run and play games but it is not happening. Myself and council we will not roll over and play dead, but we will aggressively pursue land for the people of Region Ten. And I will tell you, NICIL will not control the land in Region 10.“We have to move away from the old idea of all the control in Georgetown- is either we are capable or incapable. And the reason we’re elected is because  somebody- the people in Region 10, felt that we are capable.”Morian promised that he will pay a visit to the land offices in the Region to get a picture of the number of land applications lying there. He questioned why a young person at 25 can’t get a plot of land and when they do, it is being offered at $700,000.“We have to work to change that”, he said,Wholesale Jerseys China, adding that there are houses in Region Ten,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, held by NICIL, that are decaying while teachers and nurses are in need of housing facilities.Morian said that the RDC will work to ensure that these public servants acquire lands   without fear or favor, and will also ensure that those properties that are lying unused are acquired by the right people.Up Close and PersonalHis work with the church and political life aside,China Jerseys, Renis Morian’s  ”up close and personal” life revolves around his family, youth development, working in his kitchen garden at nights, teaching and fishing!“‘I love to fish, it is good for stress relief,” he enthused. He is well known in Region Ten for his Up Close and Personal Television Programme,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, and is referred to by most, as simply, “Pastor Morian”.Beginning his early life as a school teacher, Morian has a Bachelors degree in Social Work, an advanced Diploma in Statistics and Project Management and an Ordinary Diploma in Disaster Preparedness.  Though long removed from the traditional classroom, he still continues to teach. However, these days his students are not only the young but include adults who seek to further their knowledge in areas such as the word of God,  preparing business  proposals, business management, community development and music, among other things.Our new Regional Chairman is an accomplished musician. He is married to Dawn Morian and is the father of two. (Enid Joaquin)

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