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Elections anxiety is in the air and could possibly escalate if the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) is toGTU President,Mark Lytemake good on a threat to have its members engage in industrial action. This publication yesterday got word that the proposed action is currently in the planning phase and comes as an attempt to retaliate to the inaction of the Ministry of Education to honour the payment of debunching monies to teachers within the public education system.The industrial action plans were confirmed by GTU President, Mr. Mark Lyte, who indicated to this publication yesterday that “we can’t just keep waiting in vain for the Ministry to honour its obligation.”According to him, the Union was mandated by its General Council, following a meeting on March 31 last, to embrace industrial action. The General Council consists of the Branch Leaders of the 39 GTU branches across the country.This publication understands that at the meeting in question, the General Council mandated the Executive of the Union to first host a press conference in order to state its disappointment as it relates to the non-payment of the monies,Jordan Shoes For Sale Cheap, and to outline the possibility of industrial action.However,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, ahead of an announcement of a press conference, this publication was informed that Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, had contacted the GTU’s General Secretary, Coretta McDonald, asking that she forward to him information related to the Debunching Agreement.According to Lyte all necessary information to facilitate the process was sent to Dr. Luncheon,Cheap Custom Jerseys, but nearly two weeks have elapsed without any further word on the matter.Added to this, the GTU President said, that he is concerned that “the Ministry continues to be silent or unwilling to deal with this debunching issue,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” especially in light of the fact that the payment is one that will benefit all teachers when compared to other benefits such as vehicular duty free concessions, which target only Head and Deputy Head teachers.“Teachers are longing to have this payment made to them, but unfortunately, we have not heard a single word as to what will be done,” said the GTU President who noted that, “the Union is prepared to take industrial action maybe as soon as next week if nothing is forthcoming from the Ministry as it relates to when exactly this payment will be made.”Lyte noted that while industrial action can take various forms, the Union is looking at an extended sit-in, picketing action or simply asking teachers to stay away from work. “We are looking at our options right now and the form which we will adopt, but definitely if nothing is forthcoming, the Union will take some form of industrial action to vent its disappointment because apparently, talking about it is not working,” asserted Lyte.He stressed that although the Union has been seeking answers on the issue for a prolonged period,Wholesale Jerseys, – nothing has been forthcoming.Currently the GTU has some 7,000 teachers within its membership which translates to more than two-thirds of the public teachers’ population. Moreover, Lyte noted that industrial action could have a significant impact on the education system.The education system is preparing to not only conduct the National Grade Two, Four and Nine Assessments, but also the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examination and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). “So it could have serious implications if the Union is to go down this road (industrial action). We really don’t want to go there; we really want to work along with the Ministry to ensure that we achieve an amicable resolution to this matter, but the Union cannot forever hold on and wait indefinitely on a word from the Ministry. I think that we have had enough time waiting and it is time for action,” added Lyte.The debunching payment is intended to cater to the salaries of teachers, whereby, those with the same status will be paid on a scale that is based on their years of experience. This would ensure that a senior teacher who was trained 10 years ago will not be placed on the same salary scale as a senior master or mistress that was subsequently trained.But according to Lyte, “our teachers have not benefited one dollar from that debunching.” According to him, a task force that was set up to address this issue,Nike Free Run Shoes On Sale, completed its work since September in terms of categorising teachers and how they will benefit from the debunching.While the GTU has blamed the Ministry for this delayed payment,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand had earlier turned the blame on the Union but has however, not done anything to address the situation despite subsequently being provided with the relevant information from the Union to do so.“The last thing we heard about this matter, was last year when the Minister ranted and raved in the public; apart from that we have heard not a single word…” asserted Lyte yesterday.

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