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發表於 2017-10-18 22:59:07 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Now that it has been determined that it was negligence that led to the death of the late Minister within the Ministry of Education, Dr Desrey Fox, leader of the Parliamentary Opposition, Robert Corbin, says that it is now up to the Minister of Health and the hospital administration to remedy the level of service offered.Corbin referred to the spate of deaths recently at the hospitals around the country. These have been blamed on the negligence of hospital staffers.The Opposition Leader said that his initial call for a probe that was first met with a blunt rejection was not to seek a penalty for any specific persons. Rather, it was to point out the gross negligence at pervades the hospice questioning if it could be meted out to a Minister of Government then what about the average citizens. Dr Fox reportedly sustained five broken ribs as against the two that were initially reported and she was moved around quite a lot which caused the broken bones to puncture her lungs and other vital organs causing her to bleed internally unaware by the attending personnel.The punctured lungs did not happen as a result of the accident and this was not known until after the post mortem. The pertinent question now, according to Corbin, is what will the Minister of Health as well as the hospital administration do to rectify and upgrade the services provided.The report found that everything was not done medically to determine the extent of her injuries. A senior government official recently acknowledged that the report ordered by President Bharrat Jagdeo a week ago has been handed in.Dr Fox suffered internal injuries that left excess liquid in her body and this should have been drained.X-rays proved that no insertions were done to drain the liquid suggesting that everything was not done.President Bharrat Jagdeo, on his return from Copenhagen, Denmark, had said that he was not satisfied with the oral report on the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr Fox.The Minister succumbed suddenly at the Georgetown Public Hospital on December 11 while receiving treatment following a vehicular accident.She had been in hospital for a few days and according to reports, was on her way to recovery when she died.Several questions were raised concerning the treatment that the late Minister received, with Opposition Leader Robert Corbin first calling for a thorough probe.Health Minister,Cheap Jerseys From China, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, had dismissed suggestions that the Minister did not receive the best health care possible.President Jagdeo had told media operatives that he was told that the late Minister Fox had sustained some fractures. “How do you move from that to dying? There has to be some explanation,” the Guyanese Head of State stressed.

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