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[遊戲] Wholesale MLB Jerseys China make sure the roads are good









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發表於 2017-10-19 04:40:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Back in 2014,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Sherod Duncan was on his way home from a concert in North Ruimveldt, Georgetown.Deputy MayorSherod DuncanHe had just been put off by friends at Green Heart Street when from the shadowy street two men emerged and robbed him of his valuables at gun point.Duncan has described this incident as the impetus for his involvement in community policing groups. Today, he is the Deputy Mayor of Georgetown, after being elected unopposed by the new Council on Friday. The traumatic incident two years ago has helped shape his approach to security in Georgetown.In an interview with Kaieteur News before his election as Deputy Mayor, Duncan had laid out a comprehensive plan he would be pushing to ensure the autonomy of the Council, improve security and propel Georgetown’s development.SecurityDuncan described security as one of the issues he would tackle head on both as a Councilor and if elected, as Mayor.“I have also been a victim of this and so I feel the pain of residents acutely,” Duncan stated. “I have been a part of the South Ruimveldt Phase 1 Community and Policing Society.”He acknowledged that though the group’s work covered a small area in the Constituency in policing, such initiatives were needed throughout the constituencies. He stated that this can be implemented in tandem with improvement in street lighting, police response time when 911 calls are made, and increased patrols.“I have had the opportunity to sit down with the Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud, and Crime Chief,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit Pure Platinum, Wendell Blanhum who respectively walked me through the National Security posture ‘Dragnet’ and the capabilities and resourcefulness of the Criminal Investigation Department.”“I also assessed joint services’ simulated exercise of a prison break, routine road blocks and traffic stops and searches. So I have had first hand exposure to the Joint Services’ ability to protect the citizenry.”With this in mind,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Duncan believes that another layer of security can be added to the Police Force, by recapitalizing and modernizing the City Constabulary, to bring out its true potential.Financing for Capital BudgetDuncan also said that identifying sources of financing would be one of his primary goals. He noted that “it will take money to clear the drains, deliver adequate street lights, make sure the roads are good, and providing the additional services required of the City.”“The Lottery was an initiative by the M&CC as a source of revenue generation, but the Lottery funds were directed instead to central government, which shares 24 per cent of the proceeds of the Guyana Lotteries.”In addition, Duncan affirmed that at the Mayoral level he would lead major fundraising drives internationally, as well as locally to meet the Municipality’s over $2B in capital expenditure. This,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, Duncan said,Mens Nike Air Max 2018 Shoes, would be done while weaning the Municipality off of Government’s subventions in the long term.Other plansOn the matter of solid waste, he expressed the belief that there must be a comprehensive look at the Haags Bosch Land Fill site. He acknowledged this dumpsite to be over filled and a source of environmental concerns.“But on the substantive issue we have to continue to implement a rigid programme of empowerment and enforcement.”He also stated that raising awareness among citizens on issues of recycling, up cycling and, circular consumption, composting and proper waste disposal would be employed.“And we (will) enforce the law through the legislation provided,” he said. “We will enforce the law that provides for infractions against what is the norm.”Duncan had also acknowledged that other contestants,Wholesale China Jerseys, who did not gain council seats, did have some good ideas and thus he would look forward to working with some of them.“The APNU+AFC team in the Council will also be about partnerships and we will work with those persons who weren’t elected but have workable ideas.”“We may wish to work with the idea of a Municipality TV Station and have the person with those strengths to host programmes called in to do so. We may wish to go with the idea of a strong E-Governance thrust aimed at efficiency.”Duncan takes over his post from former Deputy Mayor, Patricia Chase-Green, who has become Mayor.

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