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Cheap Nike Air Max 97 Shoes the severity of symptoms









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發表於 2017-10-19 05:24:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Post mortem examinations conducted on the remains of 11-year-old Samuel Boodhoo and five-year-old Krystal Boodhoo yesterday were inclusive,NFL Jerseys Supply, according to Government Pathologist, Dr Nehaul Singh.As a result, Dr Singh has said that toxicology tests will have to be carried out on their stomach contents to determine the actual cause of death.It is believed that the children’s father, 61-year-old Simon Boodhoo, administered a poisonous substance to them before hanging himself last Saturday. Boodhoo died from asphyxiation due to hanging. They are all expected to be laid to rest tomorrow.The surreal incident occurred at the Lot 18 Crane Housing Scheme,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, West Coast Demerara residence which Simon Boodhoo shared with the dead children’s mother Donna Banarsee and her two older sons.Banarsee was in fact the one who made the gruesome discovery sometime after 16:00 hours on the fateful day.The woman claimed that she had left for work at a West Coast Demerara Drug Store around 07:00 hours and returned home to find her reputed husband hanging from a rope which was tied to a rafter of a back room. She also found her two children lying dead on a bed next to the man.She later discovered that a packet of valium was empty leading her to believe that the man had somehow given the children an overdose of the medication. She even suspected that he had been giving it to them days prior.According to Chief Medical Officer, Dr Shamdeo Persaud,Wholesale MLB Jerseys China, if valium was indeed administered to the children an overdose could have in fact caused their deaths.He explained that an overdose could result in the depression of the nervous system, especially in children and eventually lead to severe respiratory depression or cardiovascular complications.Dr Persaud further warned that such medication is really not recommended for children in the first place, thus the possibility of adverse effects is inevitable.Valium is commonly used for treating anxiety, insomnia,Cheap Jerseys From China, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal, and benzodiazepine withdrawal in adults. It may also be used before certain medical procedures to reduce tension and anxiety, and in some surgical procedures to induce amnesia.And dosages should be determined on an individual basis, depending upon the condition to be treated, the severity of symptoms,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Shoe, the body weight of the patient, and any co-morbid conditions the patient may have.Any individual that has consumed too much valium will typically display one or more of the following symptoms: drowsiness, mental confusion,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, hypotension, impaired motor functions, or even lapse into a coma. And these symptoms could occur in the period up to around four hours after a suspected overdose.Although not usually fatal when taken alone, a valium overdose is considered a medical emergency and generally requires the immediate attention of medical personnel.

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