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發表於 2017-10-19 06:48:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Less than a month after he and his accomplice killed Cane Grove rice farmer, Hardat Kissoon,Andre Reed Bills Jersey, the luck ran out on one of the killers who was captured yesterday.Hardat KissoonA police source confirmed last night that the man was nabbed by police while tracing his luck at the Princess Hotel casino.Rice farmer Kissoon was shot dead in a minibus at the junction of the University of Guyana Access Road and the main East Coast Demerara highway,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, shortly after leaving a city bank with $500,Cheap Jerseys From China,000.The shooter escaped with the cash on a waiting motorcycle ridden by an accomplice. The suspect in custody happens to be the accomplice.Police were able to identify him immediately after the shooting after reviewing surveillance cameras in the area.A source had told this newspaper a few weeks ago that the said suspect is known to the police, having been fingered in similar robberies before.At the time of Kissoon’s killing,Cheap Jerseys, the suspect had only just been released from prison.On June 1,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, the family of Hardat Kissoon was greeted with the shocking news that a bandit posing as a passenger had shot him dead in a minibus.From all indications,Cheap Jerseys, Kissoon was trailed by the bandit from a city bank to the Mahaica Bus Park after he had cashed a cheque,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, which according to reports amounted to half million dollars.The bandit who was acting in consort with an accomplice on a CG motorcycle boarded the route 44 bus that he had caught and bided his time to strike.According to the police, Kissoon was travelling in a minibus when another man in the vehicle requested to get off.As the man was passing Kissoon, he pulled out a firearm and held the rice farmer at gunpoint and demanded a bag that he had in his possession.A struggle ensued over the bag during which Hardat Kissoon was shot to his chest and the perpetrator escaped with the bag.Kissoon lay dead in the back seat of the minibus until his body was transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was officially pronounced dead on arrival.

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