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發表於 2017-10-19 14:35:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Sixteen patients will be leaving Guyana on Friday for India to undergo open heart surgery through the Three Rivers Kids Foundation.All the patients are suffering from congenital heart disease, Jeanette Singh, of Three Rivers said in a statement. The group will spend two nights in Toronto on the way to India.The Max Heart and Vascular Centre in Saket,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Authentic, Delhi where the patients will undergo open heart surgery. Three Rivers Kids Foundation is a registered charitable organization dedicated to helping Guyanese children who suffer from a variety of congenital heart disease such as Ventricular Septal Defects, Atrial Septal Defects (Hole in the heart), Tetrology of Fallot which is a more complex congenital disorder, valve prolapse and Rheumatic heart disease.“This is the largest single group that the organization would have taken at any one time,Nike Air Max Tn Shoes Women,” Singh said.“It took many months of hard work to make arrangements such as obtaining passports, Indian and Canadian visas, flight arrangements, accommodation in India,Wholesale Jerseys Supply, operating room time, hundreds of phone calls,Nike Free Run Shoes Clearance, letters and e-mails,” Singh added.The patients will be treated at Max Heart and Vascular Centre in Saket, Delhi. The cardiac team consists of Dr. K.S, Dagar, cardiac surgeon and Dr. Viresh Mahajan,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, pediatric cardiologist.Dr. Mahajan conducted a free cardiac clinic in Guyana last October. This clinic was arranged by Three Rivers Kids Foundation.Since the Foundation stated in 2005,Cheap Jerseys USA, Three Rivers Kids Foundation has taken 63 children and adults to India for surgery.Most recently, six-year-old Nicholas Dudnauth and 10-month-old Kenneth Prince had to be sent urgently to Max hospital for emergency treatment. They both made marvelous recovery and returned to Guyana in November in good health.The Foundation has thanked everyone who contributed to make this mission possible,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, including the Ministry of Health which provided financial assistance.

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