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[本地音樂] Cheap NFL Jerseys 41









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發表於 2017-10-19 15:37:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Having penned two letters to Minister of Trade, Tourism, Industry and Commerce Manniram Prashad about fare increase and getting no response, the United Minibus Union has met to discuss a possible fare increase.The Union,Cheap Jerseys NFL, along with representatives from all the different routes, met at the Transport House in Urquhart Street, Kingston.President of the Union, Mr. Eon Andrews,NFL Jerseys China, told this publication that as a matter of formality on February 21 last, the Union sent a letter to the Minister asking for a fare hike, given the fact that gas prices have increased.According to Andrews,China Jerseys NFL, the Minister never responded nor acknowledged their letter. Hence a follow up letter was sent on March 7. In the second letter Andrews said the Union sought to inform the Minister that if no response was sent by March 15th the Union will go ahead with an increase.To date Andrews said that they have not received any response from the Minister, hence yesterday’s meeting. At the meeting yesterday, the representative from routes 31, 32,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018, 41, 43, 44, 45 and 46 expressed their views on the situation. Among some of the issues raised was the increase in gas price, the high price for spare parts as well as the ‘top up’ for traffic ranks.Minibus operators also complained about passengers who are not even willing to pay the current fares for the various routes.Meanwhile, Andrews said that most of the operators are asking for a $20 increase across the board with the exception of minibus running the East Coast Demerara routes. Operators heading beyond Enterprise are asking for a $40 and $60 increase. Drivers are asking for the $40 and $ 60 increases on the cost for travel from Georgetown to Mahaica,Cheap Jerseys USA, the end of route 44.However, Andrews said that while their suggested fare increase has not been etched in stone, he is hoping that the Minister would give them a possible hearing. He said that while they have agreed to meet with the Minister, they will stick to their fare increase if no tangible agreements are met.Andrews said some time ago the Union and the Ministry had agreed that once gas price had gone pass $800, then and only then an increase will be granted. He added that most of the minibus operators are not owners and they all have targets to meet, and families to provide for which is making matters worse with the increase in the fuel price.President of the United Minibus Union, Eon Andrews.Meanwhile, despite the fact that fuel prices have been rising,Jerseys Cheap China, it has not passed Gy$ 1,000 per gallon. In the past, government subsidised fuel cost to mitigate the impact on consumers. Gasoline is presently retailed at $ 219.90 per litre at Shell gas stations, but is cheaper at the state-owned GuyOil service stations.Minister Prashad told reporters on Thursday that government has the issue of minibus fare increases and strikes under control. He claimed to have met with several minibus operators who have proposed or have unilaterally decided to strike and increase the fares.Prashad maintained that the Ministry of Commerce has not approved any increase in the prices that obtain for travel to Berbice; along the East or West Coast of Demerara; or East and West Bank of Demerara or in Region Three.

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