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NFL Jerseys Cheap In observance of Caribbean Wellness Day









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發表於 2017-10-19 18:09:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In observance of Caribbean Wellness Day, which will be celebrated on Saturday, under the theme,Nike NFL Jerseys China, “Love that body, yours and mine,” the Ministry of Health will focus its attention on ensuring that every citizen knows their Body Mass Index (BMI).This is according to Minister of Health,Cheap NFL Jerseys USA, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, who noted that his Ministry aims to make it a lifestyle habit.“Everybody must know their BMI…just like how you know your waist is 28 and your shoe size, you must know your BMI.We want to ensure that all teachers know how to do this and they must teach the children,” Minister Ramsammy said.He added that his Ministry is also hoping to encourage the National Centre for Resource Development (NCERD) to promote BMI at the level of CSEC,Authentic NFL Jerseys, where questions must be asked about the calculation of BMI,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, since it is linked to many diseases.“People with high BMIs have higher incidences of illnesses and more illness events in their life,Cheap Jerseys,” the Health Minister said.In kicking off the celebration of the event,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) will today host an educational talk on the importance of proper diet and nutrition to the maintenance of good health.On Saturday, there will be a health clinic at the City Mall for the public, while there will be a fitness walk commencing at the Bank of Guyana at 06:00hrs. Caribbean Wellness Day is aimed at stemming the tide of the many non-communicable diseases (NCDs) affecting and afflicting the peoples of the region. To this end, many plans for this year’s observance were announced to be activated in at least 16 Caribbean countries.It was noted that several countries have already gone full speed ahead with preparations to promote healthy lifestyles through physical activity and to “make every day a wellness day.”It is no secret that the Caribbean carries the heaviest burden of ill-health, disability and death from chronic non-communicable in all the Americas and that several countries have 3 – 6 times the mortality from diabetes, compared to the USA. However there is good news that up to 80% of heart and circulation diseases and 40% of cancers can be prevented or lessened.

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