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發表於 2017-10-19 18:35:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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… Two months on and still missingIt is now two months since 28-year-old Barbita Sarjou disappeared under mysterious circumstances, but Assistant Police Commissioner George Vyphuis says that investigators have not given up in their attempts to locate the missing woman.“We are looking for clues (regarding her whereabouts)…we are leaving no stone unturned; we are working and would not give up,” the A Division Commander told Kaieteur News yesterday.Barbita SarjouThe woman’s close family members are convinced that she was abducted and are pointing fingers at one individual whom they believe has knowledge about Sarjou’s fate.And while police officials have repeatedly said that they are doing all that they can to find the former B.K International employee,Wholesale Jerseys Online, the woman’s mother and one of her sisters feel that investigators have failed to follow up on vital clues.For instance,Wholesale Jerseys From China, they feel that detectives have not done enough to check on a text message that was reportedly sent to a sister on Diwali Day.The relatives also want police to re-arrest and interrogate two individuals who were suspected to have been telephoning the family and claiming to know of Sarjou’s whereabouts.“If they carefully check on these things, I feel that it could do much to help with the investigation,” Sarjou’s mother, Champa Seonarine,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, said yesterday.“I believe that Barbita is alive and is being kept in custody.”Barbita and her husband were separated for some time and the woman has been living with her mother at Timehri.Ms. Seonarine alleged that Barbita left home on November 4,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, after telling relatives that she was going to watch the Diwali motorcade after leaving work.After going to her workplace,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Sarjou reportedly left in the company of friends, whom she allegedly told that she was going to her husband’s home in Kitty. There, she would pick up the couple’s four-year-old son and go to the motorcade with her husband.She has not been seen since and her mobile phones appear to be turned off. .Police had detained Barbita’s husband and had searched his home and septic tank, but found no trace of his missing wife. The man has declined to comment on the matter,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit Men, reportedly on the advice of his attorney.The couple has a matter in the High Court.Checks with immigration officials show no records of her leaving Guyana.Investigators had also questioned two men after one of Sarjou’s sisters received mobile calls from someone who claimed to know of Sarjou’s whereabouts. However, the men were subsequently released.

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