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發表於 2017-10-19 22:16:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Getting a “free drink” proved costly for Uitvlugt,NFL Jerseys Discount, West Coast Demerara, resident Franklyn Andries,Cheap NHL Jerseys, 36, after he drowned while looting a beached Banks DIH cargo vessel.The dead man’s father, Tyrone Andries,Nike Air Max 95 Mens, yesterday told this newspaper that he received a telephone shortly after 06:00 hrs yesterday informing him about the death.Dead: Franklyn Andries He said that he immediately rushed down to the Leonora Cottage Hospital mortuary, where he saw his son’s lifeless body.“I went to identify the body….blood was oozing from his nose,” the father said. He said that he searched meticulously for marks of violence and found none.The man described his son as very quite and a fisherman by trade. “He lived on the water so he was a capable swimmer.”According to reports, Andries was seen removing articles from the beached vessel.Sales and Marketing Executive Carlton Joao at a press briefing yesterday said that the vessel was ferrying over $20M in stock.He explained that the vessel was heading to Airy Hall, Essequibo Coast,Cheap Soccer Jerseys China, on Saturday when it encountered mechanical difficulties. The captain therefore opted to head to shore and he beached the boat,Wholesale Jerseys China, Davie 11, on the Stewartville foreshore.Villagers became aware that the boat was packed with beverages late Saturday afternoon.After realising what they had stumbled upon, the looters began removing the articles from the vessel.“They moved everything…All of the products that Banks sell was on the boat and they took everything,NFL Stitched Jerseys,” said one eyewitness.The looters even managed to remove a refrigerator, mattress and stove which belonged to the crewmembers. Some of the looters up until late yesterday afternoon were even siphoning diesel from the fuel tanks.One resident opined that if the owner of the vessel does not come soon, resident might even start cutting up the vessel and selling parts of it as “scrap metal”.“Is since Saturday he been in that water removing de drinks…..he was drinking all when he was moving de things dem”.Joao said that Banks security was not involved in trying to secure the stock,Cheap MLS Jerseys, but had made contact with the owner of the vessel.He noted that Banks does not own any vessel and assured that customers will get their products in a timely manner.Andries was among the looters, many of whom were drunk yesterday morning after more than 24 hours of looting. Houses were full of assorted beverage and these were many.The looters said that it was a case of people helping themselves. “This is Guyana.”

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