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Wholesale Authentic China Jerseys









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發表於 2017-10-19 23:43:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Over a year ago, Government announced a number of critical changes regarding the importation of vehicles into the country. Among other things, it included restrictions on vehicles over eight years old.GRA has warned that it will be forfeiting any vehicles older than eight years that are imported to Guyana.However, the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) said that despite the arrangements,cheap jerseys, a number of importers have not been adhering.The tax agency yesterday warned that it will be forfeiting any vehicles that are over eight years old,Cheap Jerseys Supply, whether the Customs duties have been paid or not.“It has been observed that several importers of used motor vehicles (motor cars, vans, sports utility vehicles, pickups and buses), in particular auto-dealers, have been submitting Customs declarations for processing using the date of first registration instead of the date of manufacture,” GRA explained yesterday.It was pointed out that Item 12 (a),Nike Air Max Shoes For Women, Part 11 of the Second Schedule of the Customs Act, restricts the importation of certain categories of motor vehicles.With immediate effect,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, importers are being warned that the requirements are clear, the authority said.“Prior to submitting documents to the GRA, importers must ensure that the date of manufacture is used on the Customs Declaration to confirm the age of the motor vehicle.”GRA said that its Entry Processing Unit will assume that the date declared is the date of manufacture and not the date of first registration.“Upon examination, if the vehicle is found to be over eight years,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, whether Customs duties have been paid or not, the vehicles will be forfeited in accordance with the provisions set out in the Customs Act.”Importers, GRA urged, must confirm the date of manufacture of the motor vehicles from their suppliers prior to making purchases and prior to shipping and they must also ensure that sufficient time is given for conveyance of the motor vehicle from the country of origin to Port Georgetown.The authority said it will not be held responsible for shipping delays and other related issues.“These categories of motor vehicles are processed by the Entry Processing Unit (EPU),Customs Excise and Trade Operations (CE&TO) based on the documents presented by the importer or Customs Broker and upon examination by Customs,Cheap NHL Jerseys, it is often discovered that the vehicles are older than eight years.”Importers who apply to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) for permission to take delivery of the vehicles after discovering that the motor vehicles are older than eight years are being asked to note that this is contrary to law and that the provisions of the law will apply.”The restrictions which were announced during last year’s first national budget by the Coalition Government were to ensure that older vehicles were not being dumped in Guyana.It was also in keeping with plans to green the economy and reduce emissions.

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