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Cheap Jerseys NFL China an accountant of 6687 Industrial Area









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發表於 2017-10-20 04:09:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The two male staffers of the Linden Hospital Complex implicated in the recent allegation of fraud at the institution, have been placed before the court on several larceny charges.The men have been accused of defrauding the Government of Guyana of cash tallying over $21 million via the Linden Hospital Complex.According to the charge, Delon Saul,Jordan Sneakers For Sale, 35, an accountant of 6687 Industrial Area, Linden and Kenroy Moseley, 34, a Male Nurse of 129 Riverside Drive, Linden, while being employed in the public sector,Air Max Shoes For Sale, stole $12M, property of the Government of Guyana,Cheap NFL jerseys China, between September 23, 2008 and November 12, 2012.Saul was also charged with another count of larceny.The allegation is that between December 10 and December 13, 2012, Saul stole $9M property of the Government of Guyana.The duo made their first court appearance before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Both men were represented by Attorney-At-Law Adrian Thompson. The Attorney told the court that Saul has an unblemished record and no previous brushes with the law,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, but he was arrested at the Linden Hospital Complex and detained until his court appearance.Moseley’s lawyer, Gordon Gilhuys, said that the police contacted his client and told him to visit the Criminal Investigations Department on Monday last where he was detained.The attorneys asked for bail to be granted at affordable sum.However Police Prosecutor,Nike Air Max 95 Mens, Alexis David-Hossanah objected to the men being granted bail citing that they are flight risk. She stated even if the men lodge their travel documents with the police they can still go back track.David –Hosannah stated that investigations are still ongoing. He added that Saul has over $8Million in his bank account which the police are currently in the processing of confiscating.She said that investigators have since seized Saul’s car.David-Hossanah added that the men could tamper with investigations if released on bail, since the police are currently looking into the matter and more charges are likely to be laid.The presiding Magistrate Sueanna Lovell granted Saul bail in the sum of $1,250,000 while Moseley is on $750,Nike Jerseys Wholesale Store,000 bail.They have to return to court on February 25 for report and fixture. Meanwhile, the men have been ordered to lodge their passports and report to the Wismar Police Station.

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