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From last year Guyana has seen an increase in the number of teachers being assaulted by their students.This was according to President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union, Colin Bynoe, who described this as a dangerously worrying trend.Bynoe, during an interview with Kaieteur News yesterday,2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, expressed his dissatisfaction at the fact that cases of teachers being assaulted by students are being prolonged, while just a mere claim of a teacher assaulting a student would result in that teachers being brought almost immediately before the Teaching Service Commission.President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union, Colin Bynoe.He described the process of teachers getting justice in this regard,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, as being “too long and drawn out”.Bynoe explained that a formally reported case of a teacher being assaulted would see the Regional Education Office carrying out a series of investigations, after which it would be decided on whether or not the matter should be brought before the courts where it would be further prolonged.GTU’s President pointed out the fiasco of a Corentyne, Berbice Teacher suffering a miscarriage after being physically abused by a relative of one of her students. Although the incident occurred during January 2012, it is still to be resolved in the courts.Bynoe noted that teachers are becoming more and more afraid of aggressive students. He maintained that no student should retaliate against any teacher, and that if this continues, it will only pave the way for other students to physically act out against their teachers. “They are becoming more emboldened,NFL Jerseys Supply,” he said.He noted that there are cases where students would be on the streets “boasting and bragging” about beating their teacher. Such cases, he said, would diminish teachers’ motivation,Stitched Cheap Jerseys, something that is very worrying, taking into consideration that teachers mold the existence of every other career.Bynoe noted that while such incidents occur in all parts of the country at the various schools, there are certain institutions that can be pinpointed for the rampant reports in this regard.He said that just as the law emphasizes the rights of children,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, considerations need to be taken to address the safety of teachers in the system at a higher level.The man said that the situation of teachers fearing their students is becoming out of hand. If it is not addressed soon,Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet, and effectively, it would lead to a bad situation where a breakdown between students and teachers would occur. This would most likely result in a decline of the educational values in future generations.Just recently, eight fourth form students of Wisburg Secondary School in Linden were expelled after a planned attack was carried out on their teacher. As the teacher walked into her classroom a trap saw a piece of furniture landing on her head. The woman was rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex to seek medical attention for head injuries, after which she was transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for further treatments.Investigations were carried out by both the Region Ten Education Department and the police.

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