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From President Bharrat JagdeoOn behalf of the Government of Guyana, I wish to extend a very Merry Christmas to all Guyanese, especially our brothers and sisters in the Christian community for whom this occasion resonates with joy.I also wish to welcome to our shores, the many persons who have arrived from overseas to be with their relatives and friends, or those who have simply come to enjoy our truly unique and special way of celebrating Christmas.Christmas 2008 like the original Christmas, is taking place against the backdrop of a world plagued with turmoil and uncertainty. The global financial crisis in the developed economies has hit just as the world was grappling with the severe consequences of the energy and food crises.While there has been some recovery in relation to energy, climate change continues to foist unusual weather patterns, and precipitate rising temperatures and sea levels,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, posing a threat to all humanity.It is however amidst this galaxy of challenges that the star of Christmas shines ever so brightly, offering hope and direction to the problems of this world. May we all at this time find strength in the Christmas message of hope, peace and joy.As we spend Christmas with our loved ones, and as we engage in the traditional exchange of presents,Wholesale China Jerseys, may we not forget the aged, sick, lonely, less fortunate and vulnerable within our midst.  May we take time out to show concern and offer care.  And in so doing, let us build a Guyana deeply committed to the values of mercy, charity and compassion.As we celebrate Christmas as only Guyanese can, let the peace, love and generosity within our hearts overflow in service to each otherMerry Christmas and Happy Holidays!**Alliance For ChangeThe AFC extends Christmas Greetings to all Guyanese, especially our Christian brothers and sisters.We are all reminded at this time that the true meaning of Christmas is about God loving man. Almighty God has expressed His eternal love for us mortals by giving to us the gift of His dear Son Jesus Christ.This divine condescension ushered in a new dispensation, and offers us a unique example to follow in reaching out to our fellow men. If we follow this path in Guyana we will be assured of heavenly peace and joy which will ultimately bring reconciliation and genuine change across our land.Though we have all experienced that money is very hard to come by at this time, we must continue to depend on Almighty God Who is the Giver of all things. We must remain grateful for what we already have and realize that the love of family, of each other and the birth of Jesus are the most important things to celebrate.May we not therefore lose sight of the true reason for this season of giving and renewing.This Christmas, may God Bless each of us, our family and friends, with love, joy and may His presence fill our hearts, homes and beloved country.**Vision GuyanaVision Guyana wishes to extend to all our fellow Guyanese a happy holidays – Merry Christmas!! Happy New Year!! Happy Eid al Fitr!! Happy Honika!!! Happy Kwanza!!! Happy Chinese New Year!!! We encourage all our citizens on this special season, to make a promise to yourself that you will help one child or one family have a better Christmas than they would normally have.  Provide that extra meal, or buy that extra toy for that child.During the Christmas season, our thoughts turn to the source of joy and hope born in a small manger on a special night more than 2,000 years ago. Each year, Christians everywhere celebrate this single life that changed the world and continues to change hearts today.The simple and inspiring story of the birth of Jesus fills our souls with gratitude for the many blessings in our lives and promises that God’s purpose is justice and His plan is peace. At this special time of year, we give thanks for Christ’s message of love and mercy, and we are reminded of our responsibility to serve. Guyana is blessed to have fine citizens who reach out with a compassionate hand to help brothers and sisters in need.Christmas is a time to rejoice and remember the birth of Jesus Christ. We pray that your Christmas will be blessed with family and fellowship, and we wish you a day of glad tidings.  Merry Christmas.**PNCR LeaderFellow Guyanese and all our friends who are visiting Guyana during this holiday season,Wholesale Jerseys China, once again we are in the season of Christmas; a season of peace and goodwill centered on the Divine Birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who brought hope to mankind everywhere.Christmas is indeed a time for giving, for sharing and for expressing good will to our fellow men. Even though this season is of Christian origin, its message is universal and can be embraced by people of all faiths.Consequently, I wish, on behalf of the Central Executive Committee and membership of the People’s National Congress Reform, my family and myself, to extend sincere greetings and good wishes to all Guyanese for a Peaceful and Happy Christmas.I am, however, deeply conscious of the fact that many Guyanese will not enjoy the bright and beautiful Christmas that we all dream about. For many others, it promises to be one of their bleakest Christmas seasons: the happiness being limited by the obvious harsh economic, social and weather conditions.We are aware that this year has been a difficult one for all the citizens of our country. Public servants have not benefited from the usual year-end increase in wages and salaries; teachers are in a similar position; single parents have had their hopes for the implementation of the Single Parent Fund cruelly dashed and all Guyanese have had to face the spiraling cost of living that has effectively reduced their buying power.Indeed, the unemployed, widows, orphans, pensioners and the elderly are experiencing the worst effects of the present economic situation.As if that were not enough, the usual December rain has visited us with a vengeance bringing with it reminders of the 2005 floods. The flooding has already caused severe losses and disrupted the lives of too many of our citizens in different parts of the country, with no significant effort made to provide relief.For those affected families, it may seem that there is little to be happy about at this Christmas time. Even in the face of material losses and physical discomfort, however, I hope that you can still take comfort in the true meaning of Christmas and come together as families.It is in this context that I urge all of my fellow citizens to remember the true meaning of Christmas and the message of hope and deliverance it brings. It is my sincere wish that, as we celebrate this season with our families in true Guyanese tradition, eating our pepper pot and drinking our ginger beer, we can find time to think of those who are less fortunate in our society: the homeless and destitute, the senior citizens; the orphans and other needy children; the disadvantaged, the sick and especially,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, those who, at this time,Cheap Jerseys From China, are affected by the present floods.Let each of us pledge that in some small way we will do something to bring happiness to them. In so doing we will be demonstrating that we understand the true meaning of this season.May I also take this opportunity to wish all those who celebrate the festival of Kwanza, a HAPPY KWANZA . May we remember the seven principles of this observance: Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Co-operative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith. In doing so, let us pledge to work continuously to strengthen the family.I also wish to bid a special welcome to all Guyanese and friends of Guyana who have come home at this time to experience a true Guyanese Christmas and to reunite with their families and friends. May you enjoy this season and leave with renewed hope for the future of our dear beloved country.On behalf of my Family, my Party and on my own behalf, I extend best wishes to all of you for a very Merry Christmas. May the peace and joy of this Christmas season remain with you and may you also enjoy good health and happiness throughout the New Year.**From the People’s Progressive PartyThe People’s Progress Party extends Merry Christmas greetings to all Guyanese.This is a time when we Guyanese, traditionally pull out all stops and enjoy ourselves with family and friends. It gives us the opportunity to touch base throughout our land.While we expect that this will go on, we however,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, must pause to give a thought to some of our citizens, particularly on the East Coast of Demerara, who have suffered from the floods in recent days.We must also spare a thought for many peoples the world over who have been caught up in the vise-like grip of wares and conflicts.In this regard, we hope that the main message of Christmas that of peace to the world and good-will to all mankind will cause leaders internationally to reflect on the state of things and resolve to move forward to bring peace and happiness to all.**Mayor and City Council  On behalf of the City Councilors, staff, my wife Jennifer and family, with deep reverence, I wish one and all a joy-filled Christmas season.In spite of the enormous difficulties faced, we remain steadfast and with your earnest prayers, we know that the great God above will shower his blessings on us. It is this, which will create the environment that characterizes the birth celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ.We wish that this spirit enters into the hearts of all men, in particular our leaders so that they may all do only what is good.This is no time for empty words or meaningless greetings. If we all must truly enjoy this season of goodwill, let goodwill truly permeate at every level of society.With the rains along our low lying coastal belt, we offer a special prater to those workers and supervisors, who may have to sacrifice the intimacy and care of their families to ensure we have a level of comfort. As we offer them our prayers and good wishes, we also express our thankfulness.At this time and beyond, we ask that we all work together. I single out our President, his Cabinet, the combined opposition and their families.May they be granted wisdom and compassion and with fortitude do only what is good and right for Guyana.Our deep gratitude to the workers of this Municipality who have endured great difficulties, during this period, with little rewards.

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