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Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys Chief Executive Officer Karan Singh









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發表於 2017-10-20 05:29:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The recently concluded contractors’ seminar hosted by Guyana Water Incorporated was deemed a success by executives of the water company. The seminar, held under the theme of “Building Partnership with the Private Sector”, was conducted at the Le Meridian Pegasus.It attracted some 60 contractors being educated on their obligations as it relates to the undertaking of major projects in the water sector. The seminar focused on standard work practices and procedures that reflect a positive image of GWI, and also the procurement practices for more efficient processing of contracts.At the seminar, Chief Executive Officer Karan Singh, said that the water sector is the most critical element for the development of the country. He explained that the government has recognised its importance and has since expended more that $7B into its advancement.He said that it does not only include operational expenditure,cheap nfl jerseys elite, but capital investments that have been “polled” to assist the water company to improve the quality of service. Singh noted that there is need to build partnership with contractors, which would help them deliver a higher level of quality.Chairman of the Board of Directors for GWI, Cyril Solomon,Cheap Jerseys Online, told the contractors that they have an important and critical role to play in the provision of potable water to its consumers. He noted that the contractors are key allies with the Guyana Water Incorporated, in achieving this objective.He urged the contractors to ensure that their companies are organised and equipped with all the necessary financial and human resources. Solomon said that this help them to perform at the highest level of efficiency.When high quality work is not produced,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, this results in billions of dollars being lost for the water company,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Solomon explained.Information on bid preparation, types of contracts,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the company’s projects,Cheap Nike Shox, specifications and claims, anti-fraud policy and ethical standards were disseminated to the contractors. Officials from the Ministries of Public Works and Finance shared ideas on the quality of work expected and Government’s policies in maintaining transparency in all projects.The workshop was a refresher course for contractors who participated in a similar one last year.

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