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By Dr. Zulfikar BuxAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineChickenpox is a highly contagious virus that causes more discomfort than anything else. There is aDr. Zulfikar Buxcurrent mini outbreak in Region Eight, and it is around this time that the virus will tend to peak. Studies have shown that during seasonal changes, the chickenpox virus tend to thrive. Today we will discuss some commonly asked questions about chickenpox. WHAT IS CHICKENPOX?Chickenpox is an infection that causes itchy,Wholesale Jerseys Online, red bumps to form on your skin. It is caused by a virus called varicella-zoster virus. This virus can linger in your body for years and later cause a painful rash called “shingles.”Chickenpox used to be much more common than it is now. Today there is a vaccine (a shot) that helps keep people from getting infected. The vaccine is called the varicella vaccine. WHO SHOULD GET THE VARICELLA VACCINE?Almost all children should get a shot of the varicella vaccine when they are 12 to 15 months old. Then they should get a second shot when they are 4 to 6 years old. Everyone needs two separate shots for the vaccine to work best. People who have not gotten the second shot can still get sick with chickenpox.Adults who have never had chickenpox should get the vaccine, especially if they:Work in healthcare or with small childrenAre in close contact with people who have trouble fighting infections, such as people with cancer or HIVLive or work in a college, prison,Hank Aaron Braves Throwback Jersey, or other place where a lot of people live close togetherAre women younger than 45 WHO SHOULD NOT GET THE VARICELLA VACCINE?The following persons should not get the varicella vaccine:Certain children who have trouble fighting infectionsWomen who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant soonChildren and adults who have had chickenpox WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMON SIDE EFFECTS OF THE VARICELLA VACCINE?The most common side effect is pain where the shot was given. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF CHICKENPOX?When you first get chickenpox,NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, you usually:Get a feverFeel sickGet a sore throatDo not feel like eatingAbout a day after these symptoms start, the chickenpox rash shows up. It starts out as groups of small, very itchy,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, red bumps. These bumps usually swell with fluid and then pop. After that,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, the rash dries up and forms a scab. The rash lasts about a week. HOW DOES CHICKENPOX SPREAD?If you have not had chickenpox or the varicella vaccine, you can catch chickenpox just by being around someone who is infected. It can be spread from skin to skin contact or from breathing in the virus particles from the affected person. SHOULD I GO TO THE DOCTOR IF I THINK MY CHILD OR I HAVE CHICKENPOX?Do not go to the doctor without calling first. Your doctor might be able to tell you what to do over the phone. That way you will not risk infecting other people at the doctor’s office. Chickenpox rarely causes complications and usually takes it course. WILL MY CHILD OR I NEED TREATMENT FOR CHICKENPOX?You might need treatment, but your child might not. Most healthy young children get over chickenpox on their own without any problems. On the other hand, older children who have not had the vaccine and adults with chickenpox can sometimes have problems. For them, doctors would usually recommend a course of antiviral therapyThere are also non-prescription medicines you or your child can take to help with symptoms, such as fever and itching. But you should never give aspirin to a child who is younger than 18 years old. In children,Cheap NFL Jerseys, aspirin can cause a dangerous condition called Reye syndrome. WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I WAS NEAR SOMEONE WITH CHICKENPOX?If you have not had chickenpox or the varicella vaccine, call your doctor right away. It might still be possible to avoid getting sick. The varicella vaccine can work even if someone has already been near the virus. For people who cannot have the vaccine, there are other options that can help keep them from getting sick. WHAT IF I AM PREGNANT AND THINK I MIGHT BE GETTING CHICKENPOX?Call your doctor right away! Call also if you were near someone with chickenpox or shingles, a painful rash related to the chickenpox virus.Getting chickenpox while you are pregnant can cause problems for you and your baby. There is a medicine that can help – if you get it soon enough.Chickenpox is not a life-threatening condition.  But the itching and rash can make things uncomfortable. You should always inform you doctor if you suspect you have chickenpox. He/she will prescribe medications to help your symptoms and should monitor the course of your illness.

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