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The People’s National Congress Reform has expressed sadness at the passing of Mr. Terry Nelson-Fraser,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, who is also known as Omar Farouk and “Halagala”, from a heart attack.The PNCR said that the loss is all the more painful because he was a committed and long standing supporter of the party. “He supported the PNCR in season and out of season.”Nelson-Fraser died at the Balwant Singh Hospital on Monday and not the Georgetown Public Hospital as was previously stated.In a press release from Congress Place,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, the main opposition party said that Mr. Omar Farouk made a significant contribution to the development of music in Guyana and later to broadcasting.In the late 1960s, Mr. Farouk became well known for popular songs such as “We Welcome Independence” and “Love on a Saturday Night”.According to the PNCR,China Jerseys Free Shipping, these compositions as well as others came at a time when Guyana was trying to find a musical medium that was indigenous and reflective of its own cultural development.“That journey is not complete but when the country will have arrived at that position, it will be recognised that Omar Farouk made a contribution towards its achievement,Cheap Jerseys From China,” the party said. He was honoured at the recently held Accolade Awards last year.Farouk reminded Guyanese of his musical talent when his voice could be heard singing “Nancy on the Hill”,Nike Roshe Run For Cheap, which was done in honour of President Barack Obama.When he turned to the world of information,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Farouk brought the same energy and the same curiosity that he applied to his musical career.He managed the HGP Television Channel 16/67 with insight and recognition of the cultural and political realities in Guyana. In so doing he made the station one of the better known and popular ones in the country, the PNCR stated.The party is confident that God will give his family the strength and the courage to help them bear this loss at the present time.The PNCR said it is confident that they will find consolation in the fact that Omar Farouk’s life was both purposeful and creative.The Party tenders its sincere condolences to his wife and six children,cheap jerseys from china, and his close friends and relatives.Meanwhile, Kaieteur News wishes to apologise for incorrectly identifying Farouk’s daughter as his wife in a photograph that was published yesterday.

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