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Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016 Peter Ramsaroop









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發表於 2017-10-20 08:22:40 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Many are lining up for the top postAs the selection process for finding presidential candidates for the three main political parties, calls continue for there to be new faces to lead their respective teams into the 2011 General Elections.Elections should be held by next May, but the President has an option of pushing it back by as much as three months.Among some of the now emerging names that are being mooted for presidential candidates are Deborah Backer and George Norton for the PNC/R, leader of Vision Guyana, Peter Ramsaroop, Robert Persaud and Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett for the ruling PPP/C.While many believe that the time has come for a new team to manage the affairs of the country there is a strong desire for whoever is selected to be one that has an impeccable record.Recently, David Granger, Basil Williams, Faith Harding and Winston Murray announced their intent to contest the PNC/R ticket.Donald Ramotar, Moses Nagamootoo,NCAA Basketball Jerseys, Ralph Ramkarran and Clement Rohee have made it clear that they would be willing to be the PPP/C Presidential CandidateA source close to the opposition stressed that the opposition can only come out victorious with a united People Partnership. With so many opposition parties there is the view that the plethora will continue to hurt them going to the polls individually rather than collectively.“You can’t expect going to the polls as some three or four opposition parties and defeat the PPP, it’s virtually impossible but then again it all boils down to who you have as the presidential candidates as young people are looking for a perfect combination,” the source said.According to the source Peter Ramsaroop is likely to enter the race.“This is a man who has had a short but very successful stint in the political arena with his affiliation to the Reform and later to the AFC before quitting his post. It is believed by many that he is one of the more popular choices.”“Peter brings no baggage to the table and the only way that any party can win is by being able to secure voter from all angles and he has that ability of garnering such support,” the source said. He said that Ramsaroop is the only contender that has published two books on his vision for Guyana while the other candidates have offered up no plans.The AFC will this weekend announce its presidential candidate.It was further pointed out that Khemraj Ramjattan of the AFC will be putting former presidential candidate of the party, Raphael Trotman,Cheap Nike Shox Shoes, completely out of the race. According to the source,Cheap Jerseys China, Trotman has declined the number two position that was offered to him.“The AFC is relatively new but yet there are already leadership issues.The best way of addressing the current political dilemma that faces us in Guyana is by establishing a People’s Partnership, a call which was first issued by Ramsaroop about four years ago.The AFC source noted that with Trotman not wanting the number two position because of differences with Ramjattan and with the PNC battling to save what was once a proud and very strong party the best options would be to use someone who can be respected,Cheap Jordan Shoes For Sale, and who brings new initiatives and ideas to the table, thus taking the opposition parties forward.However, adding voice to the call for the opposition to stay shy of candidate who may have had affiliation with the PNC in the Burnham era,Jerseys From China Online, a popular PNC member who requested anonymity said that memories of that era still live on and while it’s unfair to judge people based on what the party was accused of, the reality is that a number of people have not yet forgiven and forgotten.As such, the source noted that Backer being a very dynamic woman, Ramsaroop being one who has successfully mended the racial barriers and Norton who continues to champion the cause of the Amerindians have all proven that they can do a positive job beyond the shadow of doubt.“While I think that one of the three can make a meaningful difference as the presidential candidate it would be a thump card if all three are given the top three positions thus ensuring that a united opposition victory at the polls,” the source said.“The reality though is that the country needs a person with vast practical business and economic knowledge for Guyana’s development at this stage” another key opposition member said.He added,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, “The only person right now who I think has the ability of pulling all the factions and sides together so as to fight for this common cause is by selecting a youthful presidential candidate who young people can  and would like to relate to and I think that as mature politicians and individuals we must not miss out on this evidently golden opportunity of having a united coalition so as to ensure that the sufferings, corruption, mismanagement and economic failures of the present government is put to rest.”It is believed that with already some five persons indicating their intentions to run as the presidential candidate for the coalition there is a great possibility that the list will continue to grow.“A number of persons have come forward and frankly speaking they have not attracted the attention and response that they were looking forward to. While some would want to give them a chance there are others who certainly oppose such idea and it simply mean that a proper candidate will have to be sought after,” the source said.The suggestion of formulating a People’s Partnership one that was similar to the one established in Trinidad and Tobago which successfully ousted the Patrick Manning Administration is being called for.

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