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Nike Air Max Shoes Sale Minister of Public Works and Transport









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By Tusika Martin Air Traffic Controllers all returned to work yesterday afternoon,Cheap Jerseys Store, having been told by President Bharrat Jagdeo that their letters of termination were put on hold by 14 hours. He told them that they had until 14:00 hours yesterday to return to work or face dismissal. They all complied well ahead of the deadline.Upon his return yesterday, the Head of State was met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) by the ATCs who had gone there to demonstrate for salary increases for 2008 and outstanding payment of retroactive overtime imbursements.During a very brief meeting at Guyana’s lone international airport, the Head of State told the controllers that he would waive the termination letters until 14:00 hrs yesterday to facilitate their return to work.Speaking at a press conference yesterday at State House,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, the President said that while he understands that there were a lot of concerns about the process involving the negotiations, the strike action was not ‘warranted in this case’.He noted that there have been various levels of difficulties in this particular sector, pointing out that close to $700M have been allocated for the improvement of equipment at the airport.“The ATC salaries are significantly above many other categories of public servants.”President Jagdeo also indicated that he will meet with the controllers in the near future.All ATCs have been off the job since Friday which led to the complete shutdown of the airport in the evenings.Night flights were cancelled as one controller and one engineer were manning the entire navigation system.In one instance, the affairs of the airport were almost in chaos as the lone ATC appeared unsure whilst mixing up the call signs of aircrafts.Ogle aerodrome was also completely shut down, as no one turned up for duty.Pilots that were taking off did so at their own risks.On Wednesday, Minister of Public Works and Transport,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Robeson Benn,Jerseys NFL Cheap, issued letters of termination to the ATCs.These letters were dispatched to the 15 employees,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who had earlier in the day picketed the office of the Minister to further highlight their demand for an increase in their wages and salaries.The picketing workers were led by Patrick Yarde, President of the Guyana Public Service Union, which aligned with the workers.Yarde called on all other members of the union to be on alert in the event that they are called out to support the ATCs.The GCAA has a mandate to provide a safe,Wholesale Adidas NHL Jerseys, orderly and efficient flow of air traffic through the country’s airspace in keeping with the Civil Aviation Act of 2000.

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