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發表於 2017-10-20 10:37:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– operation was planned in Stanleytown house The suspect in last Thursday’s robbery of two staff members of the New Amsterdam Branch of Geddes Grant (Guyana) Limited has fingered a Berbice taxi driver as part of the entire operation.This was disclosed in the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court on Monday when 20-year old Dwayne Harris, of Aubrey Barker Street, South Ruimveldt, appeared before Magistrate Krisendat Persaud,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, charged with robbery under arms and discharging a loaded firearm with intent.Harris appeared with taxi driver, Courtney Patterson, called Avon, of Glasgow Village, East Bank Berbice, who was also charged with robbery under arms.While Harris was remanded to prison, Patterson was granted his pre-trial liberty in the sum of $200,000 following a sterling plea by his attorney, Mursaline Bacchus.The court was told that on Thursday last,NFL Jerseys Authentic Cheap, around 17:20 hrs, Harris,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, while armed with a gun, rode up on a bicycle and accosted the clerk, Jacqueline Rambali, and a lone security guard as they were leaving the store to make a deposit at the Republic Bank, New Amsterdam branch which is located opposite the store.The bandit fired a shot which narrowly missed the guard then took away the money totaling $1,325,740, which was in two safety deposit bags.He then fled on a bicycle but abandoned it when he was confronted by ranks of a GEB Security Service mobile unit.The police were by this time alerted and they responded promptly as the bandit was heading towards a car driven by Patterson, suspected to be the getaway vehicle, which was parked a short distance from the scene of the crime.But the driver of the car, upon seeing the police chasing Harris, decided to drive away leaving his alleged accomplice behind.Realising that he was stranded, Harris reportedly dropped the gun and changed course, jumping several fences in his escape bid.However, he was cornered in a yard at Lad Lane, New Amsterdam – some two blocks away – and subsequently captured.The cash and weapons were recovered by the police.Harris later related that the driver of the taxi was an accomplice and that he was waiting to pick him up.He also said that the driver had picked him up the day before and had taken him to a house in Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, where he and others planned the robbery.Prosecutor Assistant Superintendent of Police Fizal Karim Baksh in opposing bail for both accused noted the nature,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, gravity and prevalence of the crime and stated a firearm was used.He also related to the court that investigations are continuing and more charges in relation to possession of arms and ammunition are to be laid.Attorney at law,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, Mursaline Bacchus, representing Patterson said none of the reasons put forward by the prosecution are grounds on which bail should be refused.He also said that the prosecution’s case is stating that Patterson is an accessory and since no allegation is being made about him having a gun he should be granted bail.The attorney assured that his client,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, if granted his pre-trial liberty, will turn up for his trial.The magistrate then granted bail and fixed the matter for May 11.Investigations are continuing in the matter and four other men and a woman are still in custody assisting with investigations.

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