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(NEW YORK) – A delegation from Guyana’s 50th Independence Anniversary celebration Committee in New York met with President David Granger in New York last Thursday. During that meeting the President was briefed onPresident Granger being briefed by the Independence CommitteeGuyana’s Golden Jubilee of independence celebrations planned for New York City from June 4 to June 12,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, 2016.The meeting with the President and the Committee’s Chairman, Rickford Burke; Vice-Chairman Attorney Rhonda Binda and Co-chair for Public Relations and Diaspora Engagement,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, Janice Hall, took place at Guyana’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations,Cheap Jerseys, following President Granger’s meeting with United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon.The delegation informed President Granger that the Committee is currently in the final stage of preparation for the June celebration. The Committee’s executives also shared with the President the Committee’s ongoing strategy on inclusiveness and harmony. They also detailed plans to fully mobilize the Diaspora for the Jubilee festivities,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit On Sale, and to galvanize young people in particular.President Granger reiterated the significance of the celebration and briefly recalled the political history of Guyana and the circumstances under which the country gained independence. The President apprised Committee members of his Government’s strategy to promote and achieve social cohesion and national unity,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, and urged the committee to keep striving for maximum inclusiveness and cohesion.President Granger also assured the delegation of his and his government’s, full support for the committee and the June celebration. He said that he and respective government Ministers will continue to work diligently with the committee to ensure a successful celebration.The Head of State was accompanied by Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador, George Talbot.The New York celebration includes an Interfaith Prayer Service on June 4 in Queens; Unity Concert on the evening of June 4 in Brooklyn; Symposium at York College, Queens on June 5; Exhibition of Guyanese Art on June 6 at  the UN, Manhattan, Business and Investment Conference in Manhattan on June 7; “Guyana Gives Back Day of Volunteerism on June 8 in Queens and Brooklyn; United Nations Reception on June 8; Flag Raising Ceremony in Newark,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Shoe, NJ on June 9; Cultural Extravaganza at Prospect High School Performing Arts Center, Brooklyn on June 10; President’s Cup Soccer Tournament and Youth Fun Day on June 10 in Brooklyn; State Dinner and Awards Ceremony (evening) on June 11 at 583 Park Ave, Manhattan, ‘Mashramani’ on June 12, in Brooklyn.

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