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[游泳] Cheap Jerseys China cement blocks









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發表於 2017-10-20 12:45:43 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Government,Cheap Jerseys Supply, through the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB),Cheap NHL Jerseys China, has purchased a $72 Million Hi-Vac Truck Mounted Aquatech Vacuum Cleaner, according to Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) in a statement to the media yesterday.The “Supersucker” vacuum truck is perfect for a wide variety of industrial, environmental and agricultural cleaning projects.According to Chief Executive, GWI, Shaik Baksh, the investment is meant to alleviate instances of sewage overflows affecting GWI customers in the capital city.“This investment forms a critical part of the Georgetown Sewerage Rehabilitation Programme,” Baksh stated,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Wholesale, “it will assist with the servicing and maintenance of the existing infrastructure.  Indeed, this was a timely investment by the Government and our appreciation is extended to the IDB for their partnership on this programme”.The tanker will be operated by GWI to “maintain the efficient operation of the sewerage system”.According to GWI’s Director of Procurement,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Aubrey Roberts, “the tanker is equipped with a vacuum pump and jetter to remove blockages which result in sewage overflows; indeed this new asset will significantly assist our sanitation team in maintaining a fully operational sewerage system”.Baksh warned that despite the company acquiring the new asset,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes, customers must desist from abusing the system.“I am appealing to all users of the sewerage system,Nike Roshe Run For Cheap, no obstacles must be dumped into the system; our sanitation team continues to uncover clothing items, cement blocks, old vehicle parts and numerous unwanted objects in the system.  This practice by our customers will hamper the efficient operation of the system which will result in unhygienic overflows.  I urge every customer to appreciate that the system is vital for the hygiene and sanitation of the city and should not be abused.”

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