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Critical: Sharon Taylor – Assailant currently on bail for assaulting wife By Latoya Giles Interdicted Presidential Guard Mark Taylor, who allegedly shot his wife Sharon Taylor,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, and her sister Michelle Edwards, on Wednesday night, is said by relatives to have attempted to severely harm the woman just one week ago. Taylor, according to sources, had suspected that his wife was being unfaithful.The condition of the two women, according to hospital sources yesterday was stable and conscious, while a relative said that contrary to reports, Edwards has not lost an eye.The incident occurred on Quamina Street, in proximity to Carmichael Street.The assailant is still on the run.Yesterday, relatives who were gathered at the hospital told this publication that Taylor is presently on $30,000 bail which was granted last week when he appeared in court for assaulting his wife.Kaieteur News was told that last week his wife was forced to jump through a window in an attempt to escape from him.“She had to jump through de window after he run she fuh kill she….and both of them break them foot,” a relative recounted.Further, it was noted that the wife had endured years of domestic violence which eventually led to Mark Taylor’s interdiction.One of the woman’s cousins who witnessed the shooting on Wednesday night said she ran and hid behind another car after Taylor opened fire.According to the young girl, events which led to the shooting started around 17:00hrs when she, Sharon Taylor and her sister Michelle,Wholesale Jerseys China, left a relative’s home at Anna Catherina, West Coast Demerara.The relative said that after arriving in Georgetown they went to the Shopping Plaza in South Ruimveldt and met a friend.Afterwards,Wholesale Jerseys Online, the three women left and went to Mark Taylor’s residence in Sophia. According to the relative after arriving in Sophia, Sharon Taylor and her husband began arguing.“After she reach in de house they start arguing about the children”.Soon after the woman along with her children, sister and another relative left the home.Kaieteur News was told that Mark Taylor dropped them off at a popular fast food outlet. He reportedly did not go far and returned minutes later. It was then that he saw his wife and her sister in the company of a male individual.Kaieteur News understands that Taylor demanded that his wife get into the car, to which she complied.The children, her sister and the relative also entered the vehicle. This publication was told that Michelle Edwards received a text message and exited the car.After about ten minutes, Edwards called Sharon asking her if they could turn back and pick her up.On the run: Mark Taylor This publication was told that the husband then saw the same male that he had seen earlier with the women.“Sharon exited the car and went over to her sister….and I was in the car and I saw Mark pulling out his gun and a knife,” the relative said.The woman said she jumped out of the car and walked briskly over to Sharon and told her what she had seen.This newspaper understands that the wife started going towards her husband when he opened fire at the male.The husband then turned his attention to Michelle Edwards. According to the relative, Taylor pointed the gun to the woman’s head and pulled the trigger.As the events started to unfold the relative said she hid behind another car while Sharon Taylor, whose left leg is broken, was hiding behind her husband’s car.“She was kneeling down behind de car because she couldn’t run….and de children were in the car screaming.”Mark Taylor,Cheap Air Max 2018, who had also suffered a broken leg and was using crutches, then reportedly went around to the back of the car and shot his wife in the abdomen.The man, according to eyewitnesses,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, drove away after shooting the two women. The children were still in the car. The injured women were taken to the Georgetown Hospital by another vehicle.Taylor eventually abandoned the car in Dowding Street, Kitty,NFL Jerseys Discount, with the children. Meanwhile this newspaper was told that Taylor called his relatives yesterday,Cheap Jerseys Online, crying uncontrollably and saying that he was very sorry for what he had done. He is still on the run.Sources yesterday said that they believe that the man is probably heading to Mahdia.Kaieteur News understands that the man would normally take a part-time job as a bus driver.The male at the centre of the matter is presently in police custody.

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