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Authentic Jerseys Cheap Region Nine









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GDF officers and their colleagues from the Brazilian armySecurity challenges facing both Guyana and Brazil with the imminent opening of the Takatu Bridge, along with other high priority intelligence issues were discussed by senior officers of the military establishments of the two countries,China Jerseys Free Shipping, when they met at the 14th Military Intelligence Exchange forum in Lethem last week.Meeting at the Savannah Inn, the Officers of the Guyana Defence Force and their counterparts from the First Jungle Infantry Brigade of the Brazilian Army’s Amazonia Sector, exchanged intelligence and other information on activities which occur on their common border.In addition, the effects of organized criminal activities on both nations and their defence policies were examined while areas of continued cooperation between the two armed forces were explored.The Brazilian delegation was headed by Commander of the First Jungle Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General Carlos Alberto Neiva Barcellos and included Brazilian Defence,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Naval and Army Attache to Guyana Colonel Carvalho Dos Santos Eydes and four other officers.The GDF delegation was led by Commanding Officer, 1 Infantry Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel George Lewis and included four other Officers from the 1 Infantry Battalion and one Officer from the 4 Engineers Battalion.Cooperation between the Guyanese and Brazilian militaries goes back more than 14 years and Senior Officers from the GDF led by the Chief-of-Staff meet biennially at a higher forum, out of which these annual, Sectoral Military Intelligence Meetings are developed.Brazil which, like Guyana is divided into several military sectors,Cheap Jerseys League, shares borders with 10 countries in South America, and has sectoral bilateral arrangements with each of the other neighbouring territories, conducting similar meetings with them.The Sector Meetings between Guyana and Brazil are held annually and are hosted alternately by the two countries.Both delegations had earlier paid a courtesy call on Regional Chairman,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Region Nine,Cheap China Jerseys, Orlando Lucas,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who welcomed them and wished them success in their deliberations. The next meeting of this nature is scheduled to be held in Brazil during 2009.

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