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Cheap NFL Jerseys China July 11









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發表於 2017-10-20 15:59:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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July is turning out to be a particularly violent month. Ten people, including two children, have been murdered within a 17-day span.All of the deaths are believed to have been triggered by disputes. Three of the murders occurred in E and F Division, another three in C Division; two in G Division, and one each in A and B Divisions.  According to Kaieteur News statistics, it brings the total of murders for the year to 67.On Sunday, July 3, 42-year-old Ivan Backreddy of Barrack Street, Kingston, was travelling on the Yarrowkabra trail when he sustained head injuries and died.Initial reports were that he was travelling in a pickup with two other men when he fell out of the vehicle.Shiva PersaudBut a postmortem revealed that the injuries to the head and ribs were inconsistent with a fall from a vehicle.That same day, former National under-23 footballer, Daxton Parks, of St. Ignatius, Lethem, was killed when a man shot him with an arrow at Karasabai.It is alleged that Parks had gone to the home of the uncle of the accused and had struck the uncle with a stool.He then allegedly attacked the accused, who left the scene and returned with a bow and arrow, with which he allegedly shot Parks in the left side region of his upper ribs.Yet another murder occurred on that day when Edel Alemba Passos, a 51-year-old Brazilian, was stabbed to death at Ikawan, Cuyuni River, during an argument with another man.The following day, 26-year-old sugar worker Mahendra Ally, called Rishi of Kilcoy, Chesney,Cheap Jerseys USA, Corentyne,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, was stabbed to death at a ‘bush cook’ at Topo, another village on the Corentyne.The accused fled the scene but surrendered the next day.On Thursday,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, July7,Jerseys NFL Cheap, the body of 54-year-old Abdul Azeem Haniff called ‘Panjax’,Cheap NHL Jerseys Adidas, was found in a septic tank in his yard at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.His home was also mysteriously burnt.A postmortem revealed that the crippled Haniff was manually strangled.Viya PersaudHis killers remain at large.And a domestic dispute is believed to have caused the death of 22-year-old Natasha Johnson. On Tuesday, July 5, Johnson sustained third degree burns after a fire destroyed the small house in Plaisance Squatting Area where Johnson and her boyfriend lived. She succumbed on July 11.The boyfriend, 19-year-old Delon Gordon, was burnt on the face, abdomen and hands.The couple’s baby was also hospitalised with burns.Reports indicate that someone doused Johnson with a flammable substance and then set her alight. Her boyfriend is being kept under police guard at the GPHC.Violence erupted once again in the interior on Monday, July 11, when Earl Austin, 37, of Nabaclis,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, East Coast Demerara, was tied to a tree at 14 Miles, Bartica, and beaten to death during a dispute with a group of men. The man’s attackers had reportedly accused him of stealing.And again on Monday, July 11, 17- year-old Ravindra Persaud visited a wedding house at Mahaica.The following day, his lifeless body was found lying on the parapet, not far from where he was last seen dancing with family and friends.His skull had been bashed in.Persaud’s cellular phone and $2000 were found in his pocket and he was still wearing a gold stud earring.No arrests have been made.Natasha JohnsonThen on Thursday, July 14, the bodies of ‘Randy’ Persaud, 25, an auto body technician, and his two sons, four-year-old Shiva and two-year-old Viya Persaud were found on a farm at Adventure, Essequibo.Ravindra PersaudThe children were found lying face down in a pond in the Adventure backdam, Persaud was found hanging from a tree some 200 metres away.The mechanic is believed to have killed his children and then taken his own life following a domestic dispute.

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