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Cheap MLB Jerseys Leroy Brumell









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發表於 2017-10-20 17:08:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Discrepancies of how the police force handles its investigation were highlighted by the Director of Public Prosecutions Shalimar Ali-Hack. These discrepancies are indeed of great concern,China Jerseys Wholesale, said Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall.The Minister was talking to a strong worded letter sent by the DPP to Police Commissioner, Leroy Brumell, in which she berated the force, saying that case files show “poor and inadequate” work that has left several murdersLegal Affairs Minister,Discount Nike Air Force One Shoes, Anil Nandlallunsolved.“Based upon anecdotal evidence,NHL Jerseys China, I’m regrettably forced to conclude that there are also instances where the police investigations are deliberately compromised for improper motives. This is a serious problem in the force and a part of the reform component which specifically addressed oversight and scrutiny of the conduct of the force to ensure that its operations are more transparent, accountable and lawful,” the attorney general noted.Nandlall said that it is precisely in recognition of this reality that the government through the Ministry of Home Affairs has embarked upon a most comprehensive reform programme for the security sector.The Minister explained that included in these reforms are components that seek to strengthen investigative capabilities of the police force. These components include the establishment of a new modern forensic laboratory.Nandlall further stated that the reform also includes training of police officers. New and revamped legislative interventions would be increased.He also noted that both aerial and maritime capabilities would be increased. Further, the minister said, there would be a more scientific and technological approach to investigating crimes.Nandlall said that this should result in alleviating some of the problems to which the DPP alluded.According to the AG,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, in any criminal trial the state has an undoubted interest to ensure that the accused receives a fair trial. It is also interested in ensuring that the victims and their relatives get justice at the end of the process.The Minister said that justice is a two-way street and the verdict at the end of the trial must be based upon the relevant legal principles and evidence.“Every time the evidence is insufficient and faulty,Nike Air Max Shoes For Women, a guilty man walks free and there is a miscarriage of justice,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys,” the Attorney General noted. Nandlall said that on every occasion that this happens the system would have faulted those whom it is intended to serve.The Attorney General said that the police play a pivotal role because they accumulate the evidence. When they fail it’s the entire justice system that fails, he added.Several calls to police Commissioner Leroy Brumell went unanswered yesterday. The calls were intended to get the Police Commissioner to respond to the charges against his ranks and the capability of the force to pursue justice. (By Latoya Giles)

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