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[泰拳] Hank Aaron Braves Throwback Jersey International Airport on December 15









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發表於 2017-10-20 18:26:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 61-year-old woman is accusing baggage handlers of breaking into her bag and stealing over US$1000 worth in items after she arrived in Guyana on a Caribbean Airlines flight last week.Waunda Doris stated yesterday that while entering the plane at the John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport on December 15,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys China, she was approached by a man who informed her that she couldn’t enter the plane with all of her belongings because the plane was already full.Doris,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, who is confined to a wheelchair, said that she was very skeptical about her bag being placed in the cargo hold but after being continuously assured by “the man” she finally gave in.On arriving in Guyana, she uplifted her baggage and was wheeled out by an individual who kept “hanging around” and inquiring when her relatives would come to uplift her. She believed that the man wanted to exploit her family for money to push her.Doris said that after reaching home and examining her bag,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, she noticed something was amiss. Upon investigating,Nike Men Air Max 97 For Sale, she noticed items missing. She subsequently visited the airline office and told them what had happened. She was then given a claim form to fill out,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, which she did.She continued that a cell phone was stolen along with envelopes of money that she was planning to give to her relatives for the upcoming holidays which she estimated to be “somewhere around US$1000”.Doris is still waiting for an answer from the relevant authorities about her belongings and is asking “…Would this be the behaviour of persons when we (Guyana) invite so many people to come to our celebrations next year (50th Anniversary Celebration)?”Efforts to contact representatives of the airline yesterday were futile.This publication also tried multiple times to contact Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ramesh Ghir to find out what additional systems were being put in place to assist in this regard however,nfl jerseys authentic china, all calls went unanswered.In the past there have been reports of baggage tampering by individuals attached to both airlines and airports.Just recently, an American-based Guyanese man claiming that his luggage was tampered with,  sued an airline some five years after he was “wrongfully busted” for cocaine possession.

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