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[游泳] Dale Murphy Braves Throwback Jersey v1taowda









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發表於 2017-10-20 19:07:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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19-year-old Munesh Ramsaroop was slapped with two indictable charges, and was further remanded to prison after he appeared before magistrate Faith Mc Gusty on Monday at the Anna Regina Magistrate’s court.The accused was charged with two counts of robbery under arms.According to a police report on February 22, last,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, at Mainstay,NFL Jerseys Supply, Ramsaroop who was said to be armed with a gun robbed both Vishnu Seecharran and his wife Mrs. Sooknarine Seecharran of equipment worth $120,000.According to  reports Ramsaroop was apprehended a day after the robbery at his Columbia residence.Munesh previously appeared at a Georgetown magistrate court and was further remanded.The Seecharran family of Mainstay Village was attacked and robbed by five armed bandits who invaded their double flat home in February.Speaking to this newspaper a day after the ordeal, Mr. Seecharran,Cheap Jerseys, a farmer said that he as well as his family,China Jerseys Wholesale, including his 18-month-old granddaughter,Wholesale Jerseys Supply, Keshicka were all viewing the television which was housed downstairs. It was around 21:00 hours when he was alerted by a loud noise which came from his bottom flat.He recalled as he was about to take his granddaughter who fell asleep upstairs to her bed and ventured to the lower flat to investigate where the noise had come from, when he was greeted by two masked bandits, who subsequently asked him for the money.Mr. Seecharan said one of the bandits who were masked dealt him several lashes with an iron rod to his head.  Seecharran’ 32-year-old son Vashishtha, was reportedly shot in the right side chest by one of the bandits when he went to his parent’s assistance. The young Seecharran is presently a patient at the Suddie public Hospital,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, where his condition is listed as stable.The bandits managed to escape also with a purse containing Mr. Seecharran driver’s license,NFL Jerseys From China, identification card and some revenue stamps. The businessman related that he had been robbed several times but that this robbery has shocked him.Ramsaroop is scheduled to return to court on April 7 next.

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