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By Rabindra Rooplall Upon visiting the arts and craft section of the Sophia Exhibition Centre at midday yesterday, various items were being placed on display and the culinary delights were evolving as the (pepperpot) “Tuma Pot” and fish was the most appealing item to go after at that time.This year marks the 17th annual Amerindian Heritage Month, a period set aside for reflection of the Amerindians’ origin, achievements and challenges.One of the many craft tables on display at the ExhibitionRepresentatives from a number of regions displayed their creations such as straw craft, in the form of baskets, earrings, jewelry boxes, sweet bowls,cheap nfl jerseys, placement mats,Nike Shox Men Clearance, hammocks,cheap jerseys elite, floor mats, dolls, towel racks and other decorative items, as well as small canoes.The representatives at the booths noted that the price of an item varies with the time invested behind the creation of the product.“We use our own initiative or sometimes when we see magazines and pictures, we use the patterns and try to make it that way. This is one of the only times we get our sales, at Heritage Month activities or whenever we have inter-regional craft exhibition,” Patricia Peters of Region 10 noted.Valentine Stoll,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, of Region Two,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, who is an exceptional sculptor, said he has been doing such work for the past five years. However, support and market for his creations are “very slow”, since there is no sculptor business that is done on a large scale that can purchase small scale sculptors’ work.“I love art, especially birds, animals and various form of natural art. Most of my work is done with Wamara logs, brown silverballi and purple heart wood, amongst other hardwood.”The dishes offered to tantalize the taste buds at the event were Haimara and Wild Hog “Tuma Pot” with hard or soft cassava bread.  There were also a variety of smoked meats and other savoury dishes.Liquids available for consumption included piwari, casiri or fly – traditional beverages of Amerindians.Representation at the event is by tribes of Wai Wai, Warraus, Akawaios, Wapishana,Cheap MLB Jerseys, Patomonas, and Arawaks.Amerindian Heritage Month is used to highlight the developments of our indigenous people and to allow Amerindians to showcase their involvement in the development process to the rest of society. Most of these activities are culture-based. They showcase, among other things, Amerindian dishes,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, dress, dances and art and craft.The period has now become part of the National calendar of cultural events and Guyanese look forward to acquiring intricate pieces of art and craft produced through specialized Amerindian techniques.Amerindians throughout the country have been clamouring for a national holiday in their honour, but although this was not achieved, the designation of Amerindian Heritage Day and Amerindian Heritage Month could be seen and marked as a major achievement.The formal activities for Amerindian Heritage Month are scheduled to conclude with a dinner at the Regency Suites, Hadfield Street on Friday, September 28.On Heritage Day, September 8, the Grand heritage village celebrations will take place at Micobie Village, Region 8, while the sports and fun weekend will take place in Georgetown at the Carifesta Sports Complex on September 15 and 16.Amerindian Heritage Month 2012 is being celebrated under the theme, “Embracing our identity, celebrating our Culture.”For the next 27 days, Guyanese of all ethnicities will join their Amerindian brothers and sisters in remembering and paying tribute to the numerous contributions by indigenous people in the historical advancement of this country.

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