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NFL Jerseys China according to recent figures.According to GuySuCo









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– workers get another shot at serving GuySuCoSugar workers from Diamond, East Bank Demerara, who are opting for a pay-off, may get another shot in serving the industry.According to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo),China Jerseys, via release, workers will be meeting with Agriculture Minister,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, Robert Persaud; the Chairman, Dr. Nanda Gopaul and officials of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), this Sunday.It was also disclosed that the 381 workers will receive their severance pay during the meeting at the Diamond Secondary School, scheduled to start at 10:00hrs.GuySuCo is facing a serious shortage of cane-cutters,Cheap Nike Air Force One Shoes, one of the main reasons for the dismal performance last year, in which the industry recorded one of its worst performances in almost two decades.Almost 500,000 tonnes of cane was carried over to this year, but the workers’ attendance in the fields continues to be mid-40%, according to recent figures.According to GuySuCo,Jerseys From China, Minister Persaud will on Sunday address the workers “on their future role with GuySuCo, as most have expressed a desire to continue their contribution to the sugar industry.”On Tuesday, last, workers had turned up at Diamond Secondary School for their severance pay, but a clause in the discharge receipt, which asked the cane-cutters to withdraw a High Court matter over the severance pay which was filed in 2009, did not find favour with GAWU,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, with the union stating that it had not been consulted.The workers had become angry and threatened protest action,Wholesale Jerseys Group, also accusing GAWU of selling out.GuySuCo said yesterday that this issue has been resolved.“Sunday’s payment was made possible after the workers’ union (GAWU) decided that it will no longer press its objection to the workers signing the discharge receipt.”Last month, President Bharrat Jagdeo announced that his administration would be releasing $300M to pay off the Diamond sugar workers. At the time, he noted that the court case may take years to be resolved.

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