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Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys BERBICE –









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發表於 2017-10-20 21:51:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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NEW AMSTERDAM, BERBICE – The Region Six Administration is soon to award contracts for the rehabilitation of regulators in some sections of East Berbice /Corentyne. This is according to the Chairman Zulfikar Mustapha.Work is expected to commence in April on three of these regulators at Crabwood Creek and four in the front lands between Whim and Number Fifty-one Villages. Together,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, these projects are expected to fit within a $6 million budget.This development comes in the wake of reports in which farmers are said to be tampering with the drainage and irrigation gadgets.“We are appealing to these farmers to desist from interfering with these structures. They usually strip the regulators and take the parts,” the Regional Chairman stated.According to him, the Administration has already informed police in Division ‘B’ of the Guyana Police Force,NFL Cheap Jerseys China, of the situation.“We will be taking serious action against these people when they are caught.”Last year, the Administration expended $3 million in the schemes comprising the Black Bush Polder to fix these regulators after they were tampered with.“This year we now have to use money that was budgeted to do other work,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, to fix these same structures. It is putting a financial strain on us.”Though farmers are the very ones who suffered during the rainy season,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, still some persist in their damaging actions.During the December rainfall, farmers in the Black Bush Polder,Cheap Jerseys, Number Fifty to Seventy Four areas suffered heavy losses in cash crops as a result of excessive water flowing into the cultivation area from the backlands.In 2008, five regulators in localities in the Number Fifty-two to Seventy-four Village area and Black Bush Polder were repaired at a total $10 million cost. According to the Chairman of Region Six, some $95 million is to be pumped into the drainage and irrigation system in the region on new projects this year.The focus would be on localities along the East Bank of Berbice and East and West Canje.Other flood-proned areas are also to get some attention.A new outfall channel is to be constructed at the Number 19 area. This channel along with an RC structure would cost the Administration some $30 million. The finished product would assist in alleviating problems in areas between Borlam and Seawell, and control the irrigation and drainage of water.During a recent visit to Region Six,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Health Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy described the action of the errant farmers as irresponsible, since many persons suffer in times of floods.The Minister noted that all citizens must ensure that public property is protected since the government has been spending millions in an attempt to make life easier for residents.

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