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發表於 2017-10-21 07:35:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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At least a dozen A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) supporters faced the court on Friday after they were charged by the police for participating in what was dubbed an illegal march that began from Square of the Revolution last Tuesday.They appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, on Friday and were released on self bail. It has now surfaced that the charges against these persons were never to be instituted. Kaieteur News understands that attempts were made by police officials to prevent the matters from going to court. Those attempts failed because the file had already reached the presiding magistrate.According to information, the case files against the protestors had been brought to the magistrates’ court by an Assistant Superintendent from the Brickdam Police Station.The files were handed over to the administrative department of the court and the dockets were taken up to the magistrate to have the case called.The gathering later heard the court prosecutor ask that the matter be put down since he needed to seek advice from the relevant authorities.This time the paper was told, was used by the prosecutor to inquire as to how he should proceed with the matter. He was later told that the matter should not have even reached the magistrate and orders had been given for the case files to be removed from the court.But the magistrate had already gotten her hands on the file and requested the presence of those charged.The matter had to be continued since the case had been put down and was pending another calling after the prosecutor had attained the necessary instructions he sought. The matter resumed and the charged persons then answered the offences against them. All present entered a plea of not guilty.The 12 detainees, inclusive of prominent persons, Attorney at Law James Bond and Former Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Edward Collins, facing two additional charges of speaking at a meeting and holding a meeting without permission, were charged after a peaceful yet illegal procession went sour.Police ranks, unable to promptly get a crowd of protestors to disperse to their homes opened fire on the unarmed persons,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, causing many to seek medical treatment at the Georgetown Public Hospital. Amongst those was a 10 year old child, former PNCR member Joan Baveghems and ordinary citizens picketing to have their needs met.The dozen charged were represented by a battery of lawyers inclusive of PNCR leader Robert Corbin who indicated that his clients should be brought back to court on their own accordance. He mentioned that his clients would not tamper with witnesses indicated as mainly police ranks who he insisted were liable to charges themselves.The persons were told to return  to court on February 13 after they were granted self bail. Those not present were ordered to be summoned to hear the matter against them. It has been indicated to this paper that at the next hearing the case might be thrown out.It is now believed that the matter against those charged will be withdrawn.

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