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Wholesale China Jerseys PTA









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發表於 2017-10-22 01:53:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Parents of former St. Gabriel’s Primary School students visited Kaieteur News yesterday to express their frustration over the school’s delay to commence their penny-bank payout.The penny-bank savings, in reality the Schools’ Thrift Society,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, has been under scrutiny over the years following parents’ complaints of teachers misusing monies and resources. Several calls were also made by individuals to have it dissolved or to be properly managed, while some lobbied for it to remain in the educational system, because it teaches children from a young age to economize.One parent, Thom (only name given), said, yesterday, that her son who recently wrote the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate was promised his money when school closed last September. However, no money was paid out. She estimated that the payout is “something over $20,000”.Thom, who is a single parent,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, said that she would often struggle when the week comes to provide $500 so that her son could make a deposit,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and although there were a lot of sacrifices that had to be made, she marveled at the fact that the money would come back in the end to either buy text books or to assist in some way or the other.Another parent, who requested anonymity because of being “in the system” said yesterday, that her son, who graduated from the primary school two years ago, is yet to receive a payout. She estimated that the payout is over $50,Cheap Nike Free Run Shoes,000, which was accumulated over a period of six years.The woman said that there are many other parents like her who are still to receive monies but have shunned it by saying,Soccer Jerseys Cheap, “Is too little money to be running around behind”.When asked if any effort had been made to contact the relevant authorities, she replied, “I have been getting the royal run around for my child’s money since 2013 and I have exhausted every option in doing so.“I met the (Head Mistress), I spoke to an advisor in the education system, and I wrote a letter to Mr. Olato Sam, the Chief Education Officer, who acknowledged receipt, but I’m still waiting …I want to know when I’m going to get my child’s money.”Yesterday, Sam said that an audit report was conducted recently and the matter will be evaluated before the Ministry devises a plan of action. Sam assured that the matter will be dissolved and efforts will be made to meet with the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).Sam urged that the current head of the school not be held liable, because she recently took up the position.All efforts to contact the Head Mistress has been proven futile.This would not be the first instance where monies from School Thrift Societies were not distributed. In 2012, some educators were sent on leave because of a multi-million-dollar penny-bank embezzlement,Wholesale China Jerseys, which reportedly took place in Berbice.This resulted in parents demanding teachers to repay some $3M to grade six students.

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