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–    May/June rains are biggest concernA Presidential team on Sunday visited site works of the Amaila Falls access roadPresident Donald Ramotar and other officials during Sunday’s visit to the Amaila Falls road project. (GINA photo)but there are fears that the delayed project may face fresh worries from the May/June rains.The contract awarded to Makeshwar ‘Fip’ Motilall of Synergy Holdings Ltd was terminated by government in January after months of delays.President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Public Works,cheap jerseys paypal, Robeson Benn and Engineering Consultant to the Government, Walter Willis, headed the team which visited several sections of the more than 80 kilometres of roadway that have to be completed before work commences on the hydro power project.First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar also accompanied the team, according to a government statement.The Amaila Falls Hydropower project is being vigorously pursued by the administration on the basis that it would significantly reduce Guyana’s US$350M fuel import bill and minimise the impact of fuel price movement on the cost of generating power.The project which has the capacity to provide over 140 megawatts of electricity is to be located along the Kuribrong River in Potaro,Hank Aaron Braves Throwback Jersey, Region Eight.President Ramotar stated that he was pleased with the work being done in sections three and four, even though he recognises that there will be challenges to complete it.“The workers and the management have assured me that they can do it,” he said, “they are more worried now about the May/June rains…I like the spirit,Wholesale Air Max Tn, they are optimistic and they seem up to the challenge to try to get this road completed so that we will be able to get hydro electricity for our country.”Minister Benn said “we have been able to restart three sections …barring the challenges of weather,Buy Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes, contractors, consultants, workers, engineers at the Ministry…are geared up and prepared to get this job done, before the construction of the hydro power dam,Cheap Jerseys From China,” he said.Since Motilall’s US$15.4M contract was terminated, for failure to honour one of the terms of a completion agreement, Toolsie Persaud Quarries Inc.,Discount NFL Jerseys, was awarded the contract to build the Kurupukari junction and it also holds the contract for section four. The project, which will now be executed in lots, will see other contractors being recruited.Section five has been allocated to Ivor Allen, while sections six and seven are yet to be allocated. Bids are out for the latter section.Willis said that the contractors want to restart work at Section Two using resources from the previous Amaila Falls contract,Cheap Jerseys League, along with additional resources from the Ministry of Public Works.The Amaila access road will be supporting traffic weighing up to 100 tons per vehicle, so the foundation is being reinforced. (GINA photo)Toolsie Persaud Quarries’ contractor, Romeo Ramascindo noted that the Kuribrong River has been cleared, while a high level swamp in section two has been dug out, filled and bedded.“You can now drive up to about two kilometres before the Kuribrong River,” he told President Ramotar.In dealing with swamps encountered, he explained that culverts will be dug and higher embankments will be built above their floodplain. Intermittent drainage pipes will then be installed and bridges placed in between the swamps. Excess water going down the sides of the embankment will run through the bridge lanes. Additionally, to protect the embankments, fabric and laterite boulders will be placed.The Amaila Project involves the construction of a hydropower plant in the area of west-central Guyana, where the Amaila and Kuribrong rivers meet. Electricity produced at the plant will be delivered to Georgetown and Linden through a high-voltage 230-KV transmission line that will be built along with electric substations in Linden and Georgetown.A new road approximately 65 km long will be built connecting the project site to the existing Bartica-Potaro Road. Another new road approximately 20 km will be constructed from the existing Mabura Hills Highway to the Essequibo River.

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