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Video footage of guitarist Parker Lundgren of the Todd La Torre-fronted version of QUEENSRŸCHE demoing the Dynamo GTS and GT-6 200w heads on October 13 at the South Texas Rock Fest at Sunken Garden Amphitheatre in San Antonio,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, Texas can be seen in three parts below.As Billboard.com reported this past weekend, a Washington state judge ruled on Friday (October 19) that singer Geoff Tate — who was fired from the QUEENSRŸCHE after fronting it for three decades — may tour with his own version of the group until a lawsuit he filed against three former bandmates is settled. Guitarist Michael Wilton,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, drummer Scott Rockenfield and bassist Eddie Jackson requested a motion for partial summary judgment September 21 to stop Tate from using the QUEENSRŸCHE name and associated imagery as the case proceeds to trial.Wilton, Jackson, Rockenfield and Parker Lundgren (guitar) announced on June 20 that they were parting ways with Geoff Tate and recruiting Todd La Torre of CRIMSON GLORY as his replacement. The new QUEENSRŸCHE lineup previously played two shows in their home city of Seattle under the name RISING WEST.Tate,Bob Probert Red Wings Jersey, who still owns his 25% stake in the QUEENSRŸCHE corporations,Cheap Jerseys, claims he was illegally fired from the band because of "blind greed" masked as "creative differences,Cheap Jerseys USA," and that his former bandmates' attempt to carry on as QUEENSRŸCHE with a new singer will "lead to the destruction of the QUEENSRŸCHE name and brand … by failing to maintain the level of professionalism and interaction with media and the fan base as compared to Tate's efforts during the past 30 years." He and and his wife,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Susan, QUEENSRŸCHE's former manager,Wholesale Jerseys, want the judge to award them the rights to the band's name in exchange for Tate paying Jackson, Wilton and Rockenfield the fair market value for their interests in the QUEENSRŸCHE companies. Wilton,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, Rockenfield and Jackson filed a countersuit against the Tates in which they accused Geoff of creative obstruction and violent behavior,Wholesale Jerseys Online, and Susan Tate of questionable business practices.Part 1:  Part 2:  Part 3:

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