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發表於 2017-11-7 19:53:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In the latest move that shows his boast about rooting out corruption in the Force was not an idle one. Commissioner of Police (Ag) Leroy Brumell has shaken up the top echelons of the police Narcotics Department.On Friday the hammer fell on a high-ranking officer and three other ranks of the department who were all reverted and transferred following allegations of corrupt practices.Kaieteur News understands that the men are fingered in the collection of a $12M bribe to influence the outcome of a probe involving a cocaine bust that occurred in Canada a few months ago.According to reports, the drug was found in pallets shipped to the North American destination from Guyana.Although no concrete evidence has been obtained to support criminal charges against the cops fingered,Cheap Jerseys, a source said that there is enough though to arouse the suspicion of the Force’s administration that all was not right with the local segment of the investigation.Reliable sources have indicated that at least one of the ranks fingered in the recent scandal was involved in another questionable act regarding the movement of cocaine evidence.One source disclosed that the rank was implicated in the disappearance of a kilogram of cocaine from a quantity of the drug that was seized by the law enforcement agency near Bartica a year ago.Although,Wholesale NFL Jerseys 2018, there was an investigation into that disappearance,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, no one was held responsible and the matter was covered up by the Force’s administration at the time.Recently,NFL Jerseys Supply, Acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell had warned that he was adopting a non compromising approach to corruption in the Force.This was in the wake of criticism that the Guyana Police Force was the most corrupt organization in the country.He warned that his directive to corrupt ranks of the Guyana Police Force to turn in their badges is no publicity stunt and said that there are procedures in place to address the matter and warned,Jerseys NFL Cheap, “they will be jailed.”He says that when there is an allegation, it is made against the Police Force and not a delinquent rank.The Commissioner of Police was adamant that Guyana Police Force “is here to stay” and as such it has to be cleaned up.“The Police Force isn’t going anywhere,Cheap Jerseys For Sale,” he reminded.“I am annoyed about it…some of them just doing a set of stupidness and thieving,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, bringing a bad name to the Guyana Police Force.”

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