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發表於 2017-11-9 04:08:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The trial of Cecil Romeo, of Parika Back Dam, East Bank Essequibo, who has been indicted for having carnal knowledge of his 13-year old stepdaughter,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, began yesterday before Justice Winston Patterson.Romeo is unrepresented by counsel and has pleaded not guilty to the offence, allegedly committed in August 2007.Prosecutors Teshaana James-Lake and Diane Kaulessar are representing the State.Yesterday as the matter continued the victim and her mother were called to give their evidence.The young girl yesterday told the court that she was born on September 15, 1993 and had known the defendant all of her life.According to her it was on August 12,NFL Jerseys China, 2007, she was home alone with a younger sibling when Romeo came home and raped her.She gave the court a detailed account about everything that the defendant allegedly did to her. The court was told that during the month of October 2007, the defendant repeated the act some four times before someone finally found out.The teen stated that she didn’t tell anyone anything because the defendant had threatened to kill her.“Since he is in prison he has threatened to kill her and the social worker who investigated the matter” the witness told the court.The court further heard how on one occasion, the defendant molested the child while her mother was lying drunk on a mattress next to them.The family lived in a small one bedroom apartment. They would usually use two mattresses to sleep on.At this point the judge asked Romeo if he wanted to say anything. The defendant replied “No…but I’m innocent”.The judge then directed a question to the victim. She was asked if her stepfather treated her well.According to the girl he never treated her well since she had to go out and “beg” to maintain him.The mother who also testified yesterday said that she awoke one night and saw Romeo next to her daughter and asked why he was there.According to the woman, the defendant said that he had fallen asleep there. The mother eventually questioned the young girl and she disclosed everything.The mother then went to the Welfare Department to report the incident.“I went there because he can’t want both of us…” the mother said. After both testimonies the prosecution closed its case.At this point the judge called on Romeo to lead his defence, he had three options– say nothing,Jerseys From China, give an unsworn statement from the docks or go into the witness box,Cheap Jerseys From China, where he could be cross examined.According to Romeo, “He is innocent of the story; I don’t know nothing. They victimizing me”.The prosecution declined its right to address the court. The judge is expected to “sum up” and the jury would deliberate afterwards.On Tuesday Senior Probation and Social Services Officer for Child Protection,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Conchetta Gray, testified that she had visited to assess their home environment when the girl told her something.The witness said that because of what was reported to her, she accompanied the teen to Parika Police Station, where the girl gave a similar statement, stating that her stepfather Romeo would have sex with her whenever her mother was drunk.The probation officer said she went with the girl and the police to the Regional Hospital where the teenager was examined by a doctor, who issued a medical certificate certifying “active sex” on the part of the girl, who was, subsequently,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, taken into protective care.At that stage Justice Patterson enquired from the probation officer what caused her to visit the girl’s mother’s home and the witness replied that the mother and the daughter were found begging on the street.As a result, the Child Protection Agency visited to see their environment and what assistance could be offered to them.The witness told the judge that on the day when she visited,Nike NFL Jerseys China, the mother was present looking after her six children, including the victim.

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