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發表於 2017-11-13 17:01:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– I thought she was at home, mom says A 23-year-old motorcyclist and his 16 year-old female pillion rider were killed at around 03.00 hrs yesterday after crashing into a pickup at Coverden, East Bank Demerara.The accident occurred just as the victims were returning home from a party at a wash bay at Soesdyke.Dead are Rudolph Bess,NFL Jerseys From China, 23, of Lot 620 Kaneville, East Bank Demerara and 16-year-old Hansranie Persaud of Lot 478 Grove Housing Scheme,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, East Bank Demerara.Eyewitnesses said that Bess’ skull was crushed while one of Persaud’s legs was severed.Yolanda Fisher and her husband, Joseph Patterson, who were heading to the city from the Cheddi Jagan International Aisrport, in a Toyota Spacio also sustained minor injuries.Dead: Hansranie PersaudDead: Rudolph BessAlso injured was Jason Bhaskaran, who was driving a pickup, which collided with the motorcycle and then slammed into the Spacio.The injured were admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).According to information received, the pickup was proceeding south along the eastern side of the roadway, while the car and the motorcycle were heading in the opposite direction.Police believe that the driver of the pickup, Bhaskarran, lost control of his vehicle after driving over a speed hump and collided with the motorcyclist and the Spacio.Kaieteur News understands that after colliding with the two vehicles,China Jerseys Cheap, the pickup finally came to a stop some 150 feet from the point of impact.Bhaskarran, who is presently hospitalized, has revealed that while driving,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, he slowed down at a hump in the road and felt a sudden impact when the car slammed into his Toyota Prado, severing the front right side wheel.He said that this caused his vehicle to spin out of control before toppling.Bhaskarran said that he lost consciousness and only came to when persons were pulling him from his vehicle.He could not say if the motorcyclists slammed into his vehicle or the car.Two of the vehicles that were involved in the accidentAt the home of the 16-year-old girl yesterday, her mother, Savitri Bagnot said that she was sleeping when someone called and informed her that her daughter was killed in an accident.The woman said that she immediately went to the Grove Police Station where her worst fear was confirmed.“When I went there, she was already dead and her foot was cut off and it was like 15 feet from her body,” the woman said.She explained that the news of her daughter’s death came as a shock to her, since the 16-year-old was supposed to be in bed, right next to her.“We went to bed and I see her texting on the phone but I don’t know who it was. When I got up this morning to answer the call, I see the bedroom door open and she wasn’t there,” the woman recalled.It was after the accident that the woman was informed that her daughter had gone to a party with Bess, who she then learnt was the teen’s boyfriend.“I don’t know him and I never met him. Now I am hearing that it was her boyfriend,” the devastated mother said.Meanwhile, Bess’ father said that he had just got up around 04:00 hrs when he received a call from someone who informed him that his son was involved in an accident.“I putting on my clothes and I quarrelling that he riding all over the place but I didn’t know he died. Just as I reach the scene, the person told me he died and the first thing I saw was his brain on the road,” the father recalled.He claimed that his son did not consume alcohol and could not have been under the influence, but police believed both Bess and the 16-year-old were consuming alcoholic beverages before they died.According to the father, he only saw his son Saturday afternoon as he was leaving to attend the party with a few friends at Soesdyke.Police are continuing their investigation.Recent traffic statistics by the police revealed that 17 road fatalities from 17 accidents were recorded at the end of February 2016, in comparison to 19 fatalities from 12 accidents for the same period in 2015.One child has died as a result of a traffic accident at the end of February this year, compared to seven for the same period last year.Five pedestrians, three pedal cyclists,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, three motor cyclists,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, four drivers, a passenger in a motor vehicle and a pillion rider perished at the end of February.Speeding was the cause of 10 of the 17 fatal accidents which occurred last month.Of the 11,783 traffic cases made at the end of February 2016, 4,080 were for speeding, 442 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 130 for using cell phones while driving and 379 for failing to wear seat belts.

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