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發表於 2016-12-17 03:09:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Alaska's rock radio station KWHL conducted an interview with SLIPKNOT and STONE SOUR frontman Corey Taylor at this year's Download festival, which was held June 8-10 at Donington Park in Leicestershire,Clark Griswold Jersey, United Kingdom. You can now watch the chat below.Taylor has revealed more information about STONE SOUR's upcoming fourth album via a series of Twitter posts. The set will be called "House Of Gold And Bones",Bobby Hull Jersey, and as previously hinted by Taylor,Danny DeKeyser Jersey, it will be a double concept album, with part one coming out in October 2012 and part two arriving sometime next year. Each disc will contain 12 of the project's total of 24 songs. Taylor added,Denis Savard Jersey, "Each disc will include one half of the story — for lyrics, you'll have to (visit) our site. Once I lock in the company who will help me put it together, there will be a comic book as well. Song titles include 'Absolute Zero', 'RU486', 'A Rumor Of Skin' and 'Taciturn'. Very excited for everyone to hear it! Stay tuned!"As previously reported,Frans Nielsen Jersey, Taylor told Kerrang! magazine over the weekend that the new album will have "a lot of multi-media involved," including a comic book that may be published by DC Comics.The ambitious plans for the new CD are nothing new for Taylor,Scott Darling Jersey, who told The Pulse Of Radio that he likes to swing for the fences with every project he takes on. "I've always had the mentality that if you enter things with no expectations, you will give your best,Kris Versteeg Jersey, you will give your all,Ales Hemsky Jersey," he said. "You're not worried about, you know, how it's going to be received or if it's gonna do well or if you're gonna make any money at it. You're just concentrated on making sure that it's the best thing that you can possibly put out there. And it hasn't failed me yet, hopefully.""House Of Gold And Bones" will follow up 2010's "Audio Secrecy". STONE SOUR recruited SKID ROW's Rachel Bolan to play bass on the record, following the departure of Shawn Economaki from the lineup.Taylor's other band, SLIPKNOT, will hit the road later this month as part of the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, and has announced that a greatest-hits collection called "Antennas To Hell" will arrive on July 24.

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